Fighting game is something so great

Super S honestly feels like a worse version of the game. This page is about all I can find. The handful of new moves are just worse fireballs, Uranus still has an infinite, and you can’t block Saturn’s standing kicks.

The also redid the music and SFX. I’ve never heard anyone say for the better lol

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As a more competitive guy, I think it just comes down to people being unkind to early 3D. It’s every bit as solid as Alpha 2 and I find Excel and the super cancels more interesting than Custom Combos. I really wish some of the original characters could show up in SF6.

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Also for all Street Fighter EX heads out there, there is Fighting EX Layer also from Arika, It has alot of the Street Fighter EX characters minus the capcom ones. Available on Steam, PS4, Switch. I think you can try a demo to, plays like EX. fun! skullomania!


If you mean Arika then nah, Rival Schools was 100% internal Capcom. If you just mean it has an Akira in it then hell yeah it does.

Arika’s other fighting games include Fighting Layer (arcade-exclusive, made for Namco), Super Dragon Ball Z (arcade/PS2, co-dev’d with some other ex-Capcom folk) and contract work on various Tekken games, including implementing their recent, not-terrible netcode.

The EX games were written off as the worst of both worlds: visually, they obviously couldn’t stand up to the beauty of Capcom’s own 2D games (especially OG EX1 in arcades, go look that one up), and playing so much like a traditional 2D game was thought to defeat the purpose of using polygonal graphics to begin with—like, if you’re gonna go 3D, why not play 3D, too? It also didn’t help that so much of the promotional material implicitly positioned them as side-games—lotsa art pitting a clear divide between the “real” characters vs. Arika’s OCs.

Time has been very kind to them, not just with regards to the mechanics, playability and characters but also just the general concept of “2.5D”—developers were trying and failing for years afterwards to make games in this format that felt as sound as the EX games did, including SF4.

It’s worth noting that the version of FEXL available on PC/PS and the version on Switch are not quite the same game: the PC/PS version is the OG and features a chore-based groove system called gougi that sees your player gaining new perks/properties over the course of a game, whereas the Switch version is a remix that removed the gougi system and turns certain gougi gimmicks into universal mechanics.

There are boring technical/logistical reasons that explain why both versions are different and/or exclusive to those specific platforms, and there’s yet another version in the works—this one seems to be based on the Switch game but with full 3D movement and other changes, but it’s been quite a while since they offered any updates on what’s going on with that version. (Arika likes to share big updates/reveals on April Fools, but they also have a new Tetris The Grand Master coming soon so that might end up being Tetris Day instead.)


Yeah, I have FEXL on Steam but the Gougi system seems kinda silly and I wish the Switch version wasn’t locked to that console. I should give the original a shot despite that, no game is perfect. The fact that you can dash in this game when you can’t in the SFEX games seems to really set it apart.

Thanks for clarifying the differences on FEXL I was too hoping it would release the other version on other platforms but didn’t hear anything about it.

It’s an interesting idea but it seems too demanding in a lot of ways and only 4 of them really get used. They kind of made the same mistake as SFxTekken’s DLC gems where the full version that costs a little more at release added the full Gougi roster. You likely paid the full price if you care to get it at release anyways but it doesn’t exactly make them seem necessary.

The base system is strong enough, it is just weird that someone can randomly get stuff like burst from an Gougi option oppose to that just being a universal defense mechanic? The offense in FEXL is oppressive because of the dash momentum and how it can be manipulate to make strings work that don’t simply standing + the cancellable attack variety. It kind of makes sense to just let burst me a thing to me. Besides that a lot of the Gougi buffs seem to drastically overestimate the length of matches.

Something I wanted to talk about here that I guess is a bit controversial: does anyone else feel kind of isolated from the current/modern fighting game scene because of the SNK purchase? I get there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism, but I feel like that’s where I draw the line. It would be one thing if it was just SNK I could ignore, but now that they’re working with Capcom again, I’ve fallen off of Street Fighter, because I just feel icky even giving a cent to them. I don’t want to judge anyone because again, no ethical consumption under capitalism, but I find it upsetting it feels like it’s not really being addressed and ignored by a lot of people, and I just can’t in good conscience give SNK money again, but a lot of people seem to be excited for stuff they’re doing without addressing the elephant in the room. Garou is probably my favorite fighting game ever and I spent the 2010’s daydreaming of a sequel, but I feel gross about how it has come into existence. And again, I’m probably a hypocrite in everyday life and give money to bad corporations. Heck, I’m pretty sure the government of Saudi Arabia owned a chunk of Nintendo for a bit and I was still buying Nintendo games, although I guess in my brain it feels different because SA owns SNK entirely, but I’m not going to say I’m not a hypocrite. I also don’t mean to judge anyone and say they’re a bad person either. Just knowing directly who and what kind of money is directly behind SNK makes me uncomfortable, and I think it’s spoiled a lot of fighting games for me. Again, I don’t want to compare being bummed I can’t play Garou 2 to the horrific suffering say, women or LGBTQ+ folks go under the regime, but I feel like I’m on an island and this has kind of gone under the radar, generally speaking. I think the IC SNK special from about a few years ago addressed this issue very well. I wanted to know how others are feeling with SNK getting a lot of spotlight recently, and it really sucks because SNK always made my favorite fighters.


Yeah, not only do they outright own SNK, they have significant stakes in several other large veteran companies including Capcom, and they’re making a massive play into esports that the FGC hasn’t challenged in any substantial way. Seeing that one prince show up at the end of the recent VF revival announcement was not fun, lemme tell ya.

You’re definitely not alone, and in a world where people weren’t overwhelmed with a thousand other dilemmas, folk might be more inclined to make this a more persistent discussion. For as long as the actual creatives are still involved, I’ll always be interested in keeping up with what they’re doing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m going to pay for it, or that I’ll abide any of the peripheral bullshit that comes along with their work (ffffuck Ronaldo).

On the other hand, virtually every big voice and org in the community has long ceded whatever moral authority they might’ve once had to the interests of commerce, so I think anyone who’s agitating for top-down change is completely wasting their time. Like, the people urging you to vote on Marketing Campaign of the Year powered by Qiddiya are never, ever going to speak up for anything that matters, and the sooner people stop conflating the fighting game community with the fighting game industry, the happier they’ll be.


Frosty Faustings is this weekend! Schedule here.

Spending the morning watching some SF6 and VSAV pools while working.


I’ve been really enjoying guilty gear strive lately! I played some Tekken as a kid and dabbled in T7 a bit. Played a little bit of Blazblue Centrafiction a couple of years ago when a friend convinced me to, but idk the discipline of practicing and keeping up with it was too much…

I tried GGS about a year or two ago and liked it but didn’t stick with it, again because I was unable to keep a single fighting game as part of my rotation. Then I saw the Testament character reveal and was like okay now is the time, this character looks too sick not to dive back into the game so here I am. I love the zoner play-style, had tried Giovanna and Anji Mito but I think Testament is the one for me.

Still getting my ass handed back to me online but fuck it… if someone wants to throw hands sometime feel free to add me, I’m on there as Limbolandia if anyone wants to add me.


I really like GGS when I’m in a match, but those lobbies are disgusting.

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Do you mean the matchmaking or like the actual lobby interface?

I mean the lobby interface and how difficult it is to find a match. And how people will rematch endlessly so if there are an odd number of people playing, one person just sits there waiting for someone to either join or drop.

And the super common occurrence where someone is standing there, you challenge them, and it goes through a lengthy “initializing” wait before telling you that it can’t connect you.

Or sometimes someone is standing there and it just tells you no, you can’t connect to this person. Over and over.

This guy is kind of obnoxious, but you can watch him just having a million problems connecting to anyone:

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Ah yes that does seem very frustrating. I guess I’ve gotten lucky, I’ve had no problems so far.

Yeah the rooms are pretty bad. In general I feel like there has to be a better way than lobbies, but I mostly fight in the tower in strive anyway.

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The Haters Said The Power of Zangief Was Limited


He has been a good character for a good while now though lmao


Top tier gief abuser achievement rejected until I see random select to master

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Haters are always speaking in disingenuous ways about such nuanced things as game balance

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