I didn’t even know the game awards were tonight. Her actress might perform well but the voice direction could always use some help.
I’m a six freak. SNES, PSX, GBA, I returned to mess with that freshly unearthed esper each time. Played through Brave New World rom hack a few years ago. Has some interesting mechanic choices, like tug of war buff levels (multiple steps of regen and poison that push against one another). Also limiting who can equip what espers and exaggerating each character’s good and bad stats. Cyan may have 3000 max HP while Terra has 800. I’m mixed on that though, as it stops me from taking who I want and pigeonholes too many characters. Celes is a badass who can do everything, dangit!
Playing through T-Edition more recently. It’s less extreme with system changes, but has lots of new stuff that’s been surprising to encounter!
In the XIV-a-verse, I’m up to date and enjoying the XI alliance raid well enough. I’m most excited for Occult Crescent as I loved both Bozja and Eureka. The combination of dangerous overworld, new systems, unexpected teamwork, and progression always works for me. These also end up being the most free-wheeling of their content. Reflection farming in Eureka, Bozja’s Summoner one-shot for boss duels, and (my favorite) Paladin getting to chain cast 4 resurrections with Requiescat were all fun to find and use as weird tricks.
My hunched form lit by the glow of my Toshiba’s CRT, simian grip on my smartphone trained on the screen. “I must make fun of a video game character,” I rally.
Thanks to your recent great writing about FFVIII @connrrr , I finally decided to resume my long delayed and often false-started replay. It was my first, and therefore biased-favorite, Final Fantasy. Spent countless hours with Squall and the crew back in my latch key kid days. So it’s definitely a comfort game/setting of mine. But I haven’t committed to a full replay as of yet since then, so thanks for (unknowingly) pushing me to finally do so.
Went with the original PC version for my Deck. Not as pretty as the PSX version on a CRT, but it’s not as ugly as the Remaster.
But mostly came to say I can’t believe how much I’m enjoying participating in Triple Triad this time around, as well as messing around with junctioning. Neither of which I paid much attention to back when I first played it. Now that I’m older, smarter and more patient, and less pressed to power through the story as quickly as possible; it’s been a good time playing cards with everyone and collecting them.
All these years, and I never realized FFVIII has a Pokemon-type game in it, and that I could turn enemies into cards!
I’m so glad to hear this!
oooh, i keep thinking about one day actually playing ff8 – never got to it (or 9!) back in the original ps1 days, but i did get the steam version a few years back. i played a bit of it with some upscale graphic mods or whatever but i hate playing games on a computer at a desk and i think my laptop wasn’t good enough to run it or something? there was input lag which sucked for the sword gun limit break, too. i dropped it not very far in. anyway i have access to a steam deck, and from your screenshots it looks like it looks real good?? i’m pretty dumb about the steam deck still but is it possible to mod the game there too? those images look way better than i remembered (and i’m wondering about your thoughts on the original vs the remaster)
I also just started ff8 but unrelated to the recent forum talk. Odd coincidence. Its my first time playing it and all the love for it around here has been fun to see. Have to agree about junctioning and triple triad being engaging. i often get overwhelmed by ff customization and usually skip over the mini games, but theyre working for me this time for whatever reason.
That first disc of FF8 is so good - really nice, tight pacing. Love lots of the locales - I’m a real sucker for Deling City’s euro aesthetics. The card-catching of it all (and trying to keep your party’s exp as low as possible) is a fun twist on the combat that’s really unique and memorable for me
Nice! I love FF9 as well, although the battles can be painstakingly slow. But def worth a play, especially on your Deck.
But yeah, you definitely can add mods to your Deck version. Just use Desktop Mode to move around the files as you would on PC. I didn’t add any to mine though, just playing as is.
This version is pretty, and I only prefer the more pixelated original PSX version because it’s the original way I experienced it.
The Remaster just doesn’t need to exist as far as I’m concerned. It was cool to check out, purely out of curiosity as a fan. But I noticed I didn’t like seeing the characters so detailed. I like my Squall low poly. Just fits the atmosphere better.
FF8 is the only one in 1-12 that I have not yet played— I’m still saving it for a rainy day. I plan on playing the original demo first because I think it is a better introduction to the game.
I’m currently listening to a Retronauts ep about FFX, while adding mods to my FFIX install (my next FF replay), and looking up FFVIII junctioning tips.
I defeated Diablos last night with the help of some HP-J Curaga and Thundaga action.
Just bought FF XIII for X-CCCLX for $IX.
I am very proud of this post. Just like how I am proud of not being baited into hating on XIII.
Edit - I meant hating on VIII. I’m a big VIII-hater. An VIII-er.
For years I feel like I’ve heard nothing but hate for XIII but you listen to blinded by light once and it’s like how can this game be bad. (I still haven’t played the game but intend to at some point if only for the music)
I passed it by when it came out due to a combination of:
- Only thinking the reviews were “OK”
- Having a 360 and hearing it was a “bad port” compared to the PS3 version
- Not being at a time in my life when I could commit to playing a long-ish game due to various small children
Our local @Lunarchivist had been talking about it with me and I’m looking forward to trying it out. Best-case scenario is I love it! Worst-case scenario is that It’s like Final Fantasy XV and I try it and kinda bounce off it a few times. Actually, worst-case is that it’s like FFVIII and I hate-play it all the way to the end. (See my previous post.)
I thought of you when I saw this a couple days ago!
Exactly this.
Had a long fight with myself about whether I should walk down the aisle to Dearly Beloved or Serah’s Theme