@“antillese”#p158721 I assume she only said that because she's a big fan of A Walk to Remember.
@“mtvcribs”#p158690 All I’ll say is that I like Tifa, but she shouldn’t be with Cloud.
> She should be with ME.
This is my main takeaway from FF7 as well. I’m head and shoulders above cloud in terms of emotional intelligence and communication skills within a relationship.
@“yeso”#p158744 I’m head and shoulders above cloud
Me too. Cloud is canonically 5’8”. I wouldn’t date him. You gotta be 6 feet to ride the ride
he’s not helping his case with that enormous sword. Just makes him look smaller
I love how all the Queens Blood tables have custom giant sword stands so you can hang up your giant sword while you have a quick card match.
@antillese yeah aerith is married to the trees and no one (besides me) is enough of a hippie to marry her
Sazh moment
>!I was hoping Cloud Jr. would be a permanent party member!<
I would play a Yuffie spinoff that was just her doing platforming like in Mt. Corel
@Tradegood Sazh moment
They've come full circle, from FFVII to an experimental remake of FFVII to a real remake of FFVII that looks back to the experimental one almost as much as it does the original. You can probably throw Crisis Core in there somewhere, too, I really need to replay that
I've never enjoyed tracing the trajectory of a core dev team through a series of interconnected games as much as I have with the VII to Remake Trilogy pipeline
@allie Very true! This isn't the first party to try to change their fate.
Chapter 12: ||Wrapped up all the World Intel stuff in Nibelheim before taking off with Cid for The Gold Saucer and the metric assload of new sidequests that opened up as soon as we hit Costa Del Sol completely killed my completionist urges for the rest of this playthrough, lol. I went ahead and finished up the Queen’s Blood side quest and I’m gonna save the rest for a leisurely postgame jaunt||
"No, Red, Aerith, this is a **super** funny Sega joke. See, because they're sailors and they're hanging out at the docks! Look, there's even a forklift here! Ugh, fine, let's go find the Segways."
@MegaSigil Chapter 12: ||Wrapped up all the World Intel stuff in Nibelheim before taking off with Cid for The Gold Saucer and the metric assload of new sidequests that opened up as soon as we hit Costa Del Sol completely killed my completionist urges for the rest of this playthrough, lol. I went ahead and finished up the Queen’s Blood side quest and I’m gonna save the rest for a leisurely postgame jaunt||
Spoiler-free at a very high purity: ||This is may or may not be what you want to do.||
Spoiler-free but with more context as to >!why it may or may not be what you want to do!<, and, of course, with no actual story spoilers: ||Chapter 12 dumps a boatload of sidequests and other stuff on you because it's _basically_ the point in the game we could call an endgame. Everything that I can think of and know of that would be available without rolling credits is available. Don't worry, as well--you get a clear indication when you're going past a point of no return.|| And, a little meta-spoiler in terms of the game's structure: ||Chapter 13 and 14 are the big finale.||
@“Gaagaagiins”#p159152 ||I did know that, I’ve been really cautious about avoiding spoilers but I went ahead and looked at how many chapters there were because I don’t consider that a spoiler. So the wording of your post is a little unclear: are you suggesting there’s a reason I shouldn’t go ahead and plow through to the end and then chapter select back to 12 to do all this stuff later?||
No story spoilers, just information about the game's structure:
@MegaSigil ||I did know that, I’ve been really cautious about avoiding spoilers but I went ahead and looked at how many chapters there were because I don’t consider that a spoiler. So the wording of your post is a little unclear: are you suggesting there’s a reason I shouldn’t go ahead and plow through to the end and then chapter select back to 12 to do all this stuff later?||
||Oh, no, there's nothing you'll miss and nothing that will become harder to access, it will all only become much easier to access as you already know. It's mostly just whether or not you want to experience the game's ending before you tuck into the endgame content or not.|| The game itself is just a touch vague about the fact that progressing only a bit into Chapter ||13|| is a ||point of no return until the credits roll.||
Oops, I was a bit inaccurate about the above, but I'll correct that in a sec!
EDIT: Corrected.
Chapter 8 spoilers:
I have some mixed feelings about how Dyne was handled. It felt like the first time in both Remake and Rebirth they made a change that doesn‘t fully justify itself. I can see why they made all the changes but it feels like they made a safe choice by making him sympathetic and giving him a redemption arc, which ultimately takes a bit of the punch out of some of the worldbuilding. I think FF7R would have been better for shifting its tone darker and reminding the audience that this world is full of cruelty rather than having this play out mostly in flashbacks and feeling like a gaiden disconnected from the broader story.
I always read Dyne in FF7 as a man who was beaten down by enough loss and trauma, and suffering under the material conditions of Corel Prison turned him into a psycho freak. Barrett was justified standing his ground against him. Dyne killing people in Golden Saucer stood in contrast to AVALANCHE because Dyne’s violence was undergirded by nihilism, while Avalanche views violence as a means to an end. This is fertile philosophical ground to expand on! In the original, Dyne said he wanted to kill his daughter and it made him beyond redemption. It put Barrett in the position of being justified to fight back had to accept that a man like Dyne is incompatible with the world he is fighting for. It‘s not just that Dyne was left behind by a faceless corporations like Shinra but also had to be rejected by good men like Barrett. It’s a bold thing to say that not everyone can be redeemed, even if they are a victim themselves. It‘s less about forgiveness for the past, but instead about the future they want to protect.
Instead, they made Dyne a sympathetic character fighting against mental illness caused by his conditions. They decided he had to be redeemed in a way which throws off the whole dynamic. It made it in poor taste for Barrett to honestly fight back, so he is forced to just sit there as Dyne exposits and Barrett waits patiently as Dyne gets killed by Shinra a way that felt a little drawn out and contrived. Shinra getting involved in the fight took the wind out of the interaction… they sort of bailed out Barrett in a way and let Dyne get a hero’s death. They built it up that Shinra was guilty for the psychological violence against Dyne, but to have them just come in and shoot him with a bullet doesn‘t give him as impactful of an arc.
I suppose the fact that this game is very silly and low-stakes might have made this scene stick out in a bad way if they kept it like the original. Corel Prison is a goofy place and doesn’t sell itself as being threatening to anyone when you‘re just going around drinking watery beer, watching a goth band, and playing two truths and a lie so you can play Mario Kart. I think it’s the weakness of this game, but maybe a sacrifice that‘s worth it? I will need to beat the game to be sure. In general, I think FF7R is incredible but it doesn’t quite stand on its own because it doesn‘t have to. It’s a game that‘s totally unshackled from any sense of needing to create dramatic stakes or need to have forward momentum. Every single person playing this game has either played FF7 or Remake, which both go beyond expectations of creating compelling worlds, so this game is sorta liberated from having to do that. This game can afford to be 100 hours long and have a combined 3 hours of actual conflict. This game can get away with having its plot barely held together by "let’s follow these guys in robes". Changing stuff like Dyne and Corel Prison only really matters if you choose to care about it.
Gongaga side quest bit:
>!I was very close to declaring the side quest where you have to fetch that woman's chickens one of the worst side quests I've ever played in a video game (the controls are terrible, I kept thinking I was backing into a wall but it turned out Cloud was just bumping into the camera (I think?) and that was slowing him down?), but then the punchline for finishing the quest did genuinely make me laugh so I guess it was worth muttering "what the fuck is this bullshit" for 15 minutes or whatever.!<
@Tradegood Totally agreed. I felt the same way about (Remake) ||Shinra exacerbating the reactor bombing in Remake to false flag Wutai, letting Avalanche totally off the hook for the collateral damage. The quasi-remake/time travel sequel-ness of this whole thing makes it easy for me to accept but it does all feel very “Greedo shot first”||
@Tradegood all I need is this thumbnail. not rolling video. This is a screenshot from EGM.
I appreciate the spoiler sensitivity on the forum in these trying times, and I feel the curation of open minor spoilers here to be the perfect dripfeed for me.