Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Discussion and Speculation Thread (SPOILERS)

You all seen that state of play?

@connrrr I just finished it and have to say itā€˜s changed my mind on getting the game now in a good way! Some of the QoL changes theyā€™ve added look very promising and they end the game, which they announced in the trailer, seems the logical step to finish part two of three.

Honestly, the only thing keeping me from buying it a launch day (Aside from also having to a buy a PS5) is the amount of time it'd take to play it all and enjoy everything they've added which looks like a _**LOT**_

Played the demo. Itā€™s great that Cloud and Sephirothā€™s battle abilities now more accurately reflect their Smash Bros. moveset. Now THAT is Deep Lore.

Also kinda liked turning the Nibelheim flashback climax into an Epic CoD Level (with ā€œclimb the yellow handholdsā€ and ā€œpush the dumpsterā€ traversal segments that indicate Square has _rigidly_ studied Naughty Dog but still maybe isnā€™t totally clear on how level design works). Some of the ways they use UI ā€œjankā€ to foreshadow the unreliability of Cloudā€™s narration is pretty neat, wish theyā€™d gone further with that! That said I canā€™t help but notice in all these flashback scenes that Gackt isnā€™t present _at all_, which really seems like a serious oversight.

Love the physics in this game. First house I stepped into in Nibelheim, Cloud is kicking an entire sofa chair at peopleā€™s heads within about 20 seconds. Also pretty sure I got a glitch during a battle? Wish Iā€™d written down what happened specifically - it didnā€™t break the game or anything but it was startling to see in a major SquEnix game so close to release. Hopefully to be patched out by release.

@"Hunter"#p152133 Hey now letā€™s be fair, the overwhelming majority of complaints about _Advent Children_ are addressed at the script and not the animation or fight choreography. I donā€™t mind that Square has spent two decades trying to make a fitting game engine for sparkly magical wuxia craziness, Iā€™m just bummed that itā€™s become **the** singular aesthetic of Final Fantasy.

Also on the subject of violence, it sucks that as graphics have gotten more proportionally realistic and (I assume) Japanese ratings boards have gotten stricter, JRPGs have resorted to increasingly lame and squeamish flinches to keep all violence bloodless even during key story moments that were obviously storyboarded as bloody scenes - which is really conspicuous in the Nibelheim demo. Xenoblade is routinely guilty of this too. The gory shock value of finding the Midgar Zolom impaled on a tree will not register the same way in the remake, Iā€™m guessing!

On the soundtrack: so much of Uematsuā€™s classic work and FF7 in particular is composed for hard, flat melodic prog rock synth sounds and it sucks that every single game where another composer remixes and rearranges Uematsuā€™s tracks seems to completely miss this. Especially since Masashi Hamauzu is an excellent composer in his own right! Like I LOLed hearing a major key ā€œheroicā€ mix of Sephirothā€™s theme when heā€™s introduced in Nibelheim but behind the more creative expansions of the original gameā€™s musical vocabulary like that nothing in here really matches the overpowering mood of the original lo-fi orchestrations, and maybe it could have if the sound team were more sensitive about where the original game using Vangelis/Tangerine Dream/ELO style electronic textures was aesthetically substantive and not just a technical limitation!!

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loling at the dumbing down of ā€œgeological stratumā€ from og VII to ā€œrock layerā€ in Rebirth.

[color=green][Moved from Final Fantasy Thread by request of poster][/color]

Mega Omni Ultima Knights of the Round Tables mime materia x100 RANT:

After the way things went with part 1, and the way internet gamer discourse always goes, **I just wish people would be nice** to FFVIIRB. You know, the catalyst for me realizing who Tim Rogers is, what he and Insert Credit stands for all along, their subtle influence over the years, and me coming to this forum was **entirely because Timā€™s Positive nuanced video review of FFVIIR was the only one I could find that matched my opinion at all, and lead me to look into his work.**
Please, at the very least, mark your spoilers. Iā€™m probably not going to be able to play the game any time soon, and it means a lot to me.
If saying that I think people are overly harsh on FFVII Remake **for what it is** makes me a ā€œStanā€ (whatever the fuck that even is supposed to mean gdi), then so be it. Thereā€™s so much room for a nuanced conversation of meta narrative here that I feel very few people are **qualified** to have an informed opinion on. If thatā€™s gatekeeping, again so be it, man. Noobs can enjoy or not enjoy, but they donā€™t get to tell me itā€™s a ā€œshit gameā€ or not when they are lacking context. -The understandably heavy and deep context here. It hurts to see typical gamerbro groupthink hyper critical knee jerk shit takes strictly from the context of ā€œwhatā€™s happening in gamingā€ these days.
Itā€™s the sort of thing that I say a lotā€” I think it will be decades before we really have a clear understanding of what is really going on here.

And maybe Iā€™m being a little over dramatic here, but I hella miss syzgyā€™s posts in a thread like this.

This isnā€™t crisis core, this isnā€™t advent children or whatever SOLDIER PUBG, this isnā€™t _The Third Birthday_, itā€™ FINAL FANTASY ~(fucking) SEVEN *REMAKE*ā€” **PART II**

Barret is KING across all media and would out smoke any mf in any universeā€” even snoop dog

Most relatable video game character for me. Trust me Iā€™ve been on the news talking to shinra just like he did in FFVIIR, and (Barret voice, pointing my giant barret finger at the screen) at the end of the day, the Jokes always on THEM!

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Literally pity the fool who would drain the planets energy. I want barret to look at the tv and say he would pity the fool. Heā€™s one step away from doing that at any given moment.

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I have watched this once

I have watched this twice

I have watched this three times

I have watched this four times

I wanted to count up to seven, but it is impossible.

Everyone watched Tim Rogersā€˜ stuff about Final Fantasy VII Remake if you havenā€™t.

I think we lost a few posts in the transition, but that just means thereā€™s fewer spoilers to stumble upon!

Costa Del Sol city was cool and I enjoyed it, but I was ready to move on. Halfway up Mt. Corral now.

My open world experience just gets weirder and weirder. In the grasslands, I had a big compulsion to complete all the quests and burned out on them. Junon was better. But Costa del Sol was weird because it didnā€™t indicate that some quests canā€™t be completed until later. Kept trying to go through the swamp on a Chocobo.

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I forget who made this point in the old version of the thread, but itā€™s interesting that Rebirth plays a lot closer to the original gameā€™s events most of the time, and also feels like a DIRECT sequel to Crisis Core: Reunion because of . . . Reasons.

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Elena is my favorite ā€œnewā€ character. Sheā€™s great. She bicycle kicks a grenade which is rad. Later, she gets in a helicopter and says ā€œSee you later shitbirds!ā€ while flying off which is even more rad. I like the way theyā€™re writing her as a junior member on a senior team and a bit immature.


Apparently all of you have finished the game, and I just arrived at the gold saucer.

But Iā€™m here to discuss the spoilers inherent in the OSTā€™s track titles.

I guess it hasnā€™t gone live in the States yet, but you do get to see the names. I was really hoping for a ā€œQui-Gonā€™s Noble Endā€ situation from 1999, but SquEnix did a better job.

Based on my position in the soundtrack, I might have a lot more game to play!

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i havenā€™t finished yet, but i did fall off of it for the moment. gonna try to push through tonight/tomorrow as i feel like iā€™m pretty close to being done, but i keep getting distracted playing other stuff that iā€™m enjoying a bit more and i didnā€™t want to clutter up this thread with whiny nitpicks in case iā€™m the only one who isnā€™t having a lot of fun with this one.

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They look pretty spoiler free, outside of pretty surface level things (most of which anyone familiar with the original would already know), yeah

As for me, Iā€™ve continued thinking about the game since finishing it a few weeks ago, but I find myself mostly waiting for the third installment since I focus a lot on narrative and this one is presently incomplete. That makes it sort of tricky to talk about!


Missed opportunity for fun track titles. Please post your own suggestions:

  • Sephirothā€™s Sharp Sword Strikes!
  • A Date Withā€¦ Barett?
  • Itā€™s hard to date on two feet
  • Aerith meets Aeris
  • Tifa Strikes Back
  • How to pronounce ā€œCait Sithā€ correctly

Theyā€™re saving this one for her slap-fight in part 3, clearly


Hey, Iā€™m even further back. I just left Costa del Sol. I expect Iā€™ll finish by May.