its cold where i am. i want to pretend i’m somewhere warm, but yakuza like a pirate doesn’t come out for a month. so i’ve been thinking about those warm weather games, like:
like a dragon: infinite wealth - it’s in hawaii, the red mage class has a surf board and wetsuit instead of a sword and big hat, everyone gets a little sweaty, you get your own island resort to fix up, you fight a shark, danny trejo teaches you about the history of waikiki beach
chrono cross: it’s got arni village, it’s got an australian, it’s got palm trees, you spend a lot of time at that one white sand beach
ys viii: it’s gilligans island, it’s got those white sand beaches, it’s got those crabs, one guy hits stuff with a big ships anchor, you’re lashing together palm trees to fix up stuff
etrian odyssey 3: it’s set in the spoilers spoilers, it’s got like three jungles, you get to go ~under the sea~, you can be a pirate
startropics: it’s a test of island courage, it does what it says on the box
help me think of more, it’s 27 degrees F outside.
also what do we do when it’s 100 degrees outside? that donkey kong game?
my little brother had a gamecube and sunshine and it always looked fun to me but i was 12 and cool and was afraid someone would see me enjoying something colorful
Where I live now doesn’t get very cold during the winter, so I actually find myself fantasizing about snow and ice this time of year instead of warm beaches. It’s only a few levels, but I really love the wintery parts of Super Mario 3D World, especially where they updated Kuribo’s shoe from SMB3 to be an ice skate. I 100%ed that game one winter when I was going through an extended case of melancholy, which I have all sorts of nostalgia for despite being miserable at the time. I’m also a big fan of the snow world in Diddy Kong Racing (Rare’s best 3D game).
All that said, when I visit my girlfriend’s parents who live farther north, I’m reminded that the thing that actually sucks about the winter isn’t the cold, but the dryness. I hate the feel of having to use lotion, but I also hate dry skin, so either way I’m just uncomfortable all the time. I’m not sure if there’s any games about having smooth comfortable skin out there.
Man… I haven’t seen a blade of grass or experienced above-zero-degree temperatures since mid-November. I’ve been listening to Masayoshi Takanaka but maybe I also need to find myself a good palm tree game.
I love this thread because I truly despise winter, an apathetic towards fall, and only really love spring and summer. Outrun 2/2006 is a great summer vibes game for most of its locales. Even the snow one is way more visually interesting than real winter. The World Ends With You also has summer hangout vibes.
I am not familiar with “weather” (our tomato plants are still producing) but it IS raining and when it’s raining I want to play a grindy sprite-based rpg. Ys and rainy weather go together pretty well.