Games you're thinking about playing

Deadly Premonition 2 is… fine. I played it on Switch and I definitely wouldn’t recommend doing that. Performance is genuinely atrocious to the point of the game not being enjoyable. I had to overclock my Switch to get it to a point where it was even playable. Worst still, the first game dwarfs it in its ambitions. They cut out a lot of the weird simulation stuff. You can’t peek through windows into houses anymore. It feels noticeably less “alive” in that regard. The story was pretty enjoyable. More of the same, basically.

Honestly if you’ve already bought it, I’d say start it up and see if it works for you. As much as I’ll complain about it, I did finish it and was reasonably satisfied with the ending. Might as well.


I’ve been playing Caves of Qud since around 2014 - 2015 back when it was pretty barebones in terms of UI and yes, it absolutely is streamlined for the Steam Deck since coming out of early access. The default buttons mappings are pretty straightforward and it’s pretty comfortable to put some hours into it while sitting on the couch. It’s kinda the perfect Steam Deck game, honestly, because you can put it down and pick it up literally whenever, given its turn based, roguelike style.

Give it a shot!! I can go on and on about this game, I love it so much. There are lots of different ways to play too since newer releases, so if you’re not into roguelikes and losing your characters all the time there is a roleplay mode that plays like a more traditional RPG. For me, half the fun is rolling random builds and seeing how far I can get them into the world before they croak.


I’m just going through my backlog and I picked Luigi’s Mansion 3 because it seems pretty straightforward. Haven’t played the other games but based on YouTube videos that first game has a pretty interesting atmosphere.

@donrumata Did you play it at launch? I heard it was slightly improved with some patches to give it an extra crumb of FPS. Ah damn sounds like they cut out what made the first game interesting.

I will stick with LM3 and I’ll scope out DP2 more as a curiosity.

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I played it around launch, yeah. Can’t speak to the current state of it. It’s probably perfectly playable on PC, but it was rough on Switch.

DP2 is, uh, transphobic in a way that is more ignorant than malicious but still left a really bad taste in my mouth. I wouldn’t begrudge anyone’s interest in it but do be warned that it’s got some really weird ideas in it if you’re sensitive to these things


Losing my mind apparently because I’m thinking of playing Trails in the Sky FC! Especially now that I’ve got the Steam Deck and all!


I’ve never played it but I definitely have been enjoying thinking about playing it for a good while.

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I don’t like that game very much but it is def the one to start with!

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Doing another giant list “what should I play next on Steam Deck?” poll. The last time, I ended up playing Void Stranger thanks to your recommendations. Now I’m back with an even giant-er list of options.

(Emulated games noted with original platform in parenthesis)

I’ve never played any of these games before.

  • Bangai-O (Dreamcast)
  • Batman: Arkham Knight
  • BIT.TRIP Runner2
  • Bullet Witch
  • Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (Wii Virtual Console)
  • Cloudpunk
  • Corn Kidz 64
  • CrossCode
  • Cruelty Squad
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  • Dishonored: Definitive Editio
  • Dredge
  • Eastward
  • El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Remaster
  • The Exit 8
  • F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch
  • The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa
  • God Hand (PlayStation 2)
  • Half-Life 2
  • Happy Game
  • The House in Fata Morgana
  • Humanity
  • Immortality
  • killer7
  • Linda³ Again (PlayStation)
  • Lorelei and the Laser Eyes
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition
  • Mirror’s Edge
  • Omori
  • Orbo’s Odyssey
  • Outer Wilds
  • Paradise Killer
  • Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo
  • Pentiment
  • Prey (2017)
  • Pseudoregalia
  • Raw Danger! (PlayStation 2)
  • Sclash
  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  • Signalis
  • Silent Hill 2 (PlayStation 2)
  • SOMA
  • Spec Ops: The Line
  • Star Control II: The Ur-Quan Masters
  • Vagrant Story (PlayStation)
  • Valkyria Chronicles

Of what I’ve played-

Signals is really cool if you’re a survival horror person, really quick runtime and exactly as much story as you want to read into it. Really cool direction.

I can add color on Omori and Eastward but don’t know if I would necessarily recommend them. Both have the same thing of being very very wordy (eastward is in particular longer than you’d think). I loved Eastward but the pacing is a bit slow and the gameplay a bit basic but the art, world and story were quite lovely.

Omori is tough to discuss spoiler free but as spoiler free as possible the real life stuff is really really nice and the Alice in wonderland stuff is heavily dependent on your tolerance for being lol random. Omocat’s art in battles is so world class, I liked this game enough to finish it, but you kinda have to rock with it hard.

Linda cube I need to be told what is cool about it because it wasn’t immediately appealing to me after four hours. Cool concept but I think my brain needs sugimori art for Pokémon.


I’ll count this as a vote for Signalis.

Just for fun, last time, you recommended Void Stranger, which was the winner, Pizza Tower, which I have since played and absolutely adore, and Valkyria Chronicles, which is still on this list.

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posts must be full sentence


I fully expected this from you.

Will I enjoy “HAND” if I’m an athiest?


The Exit 8 is probably great on the deck; it’s about an hour start to finish. I rather liked it.

Star Control II is my favourite game, I simply have to suggest giving it a go.

Prey (2017) is probably the best attempt Arcane have ever made at making “one of those”. I worry it won’t be good in a deck though, there is a lot of small text. If that turns out to not be a problem, there is a fantastic game to discover here


Christian and atheists alike agree: GOD HAND

You’re a fighting game freak, you will definitely love GOD HAND.


Last time, you recommended The Exit 8, Prey, Citizen Sleeper (which I’m finishing now and really enjoying) and Paradise Killer.

You also warned me that Void Stranger would suuuuuuuuuuck.

Sticking out to me at the moment:

Played most of Dredge recently and talked about it here. It’s short, good exploration, elritch fun. Nice little game to hang out with but nothing exceptional.

Fata Morgana I’m most of the way through and like it a lot. Don’t jump into this if you’re not in the mood for a long read.
Also I’m a sicko that likes to read books and I enjoy the prose in this so take that as you will.

Metal Gear Rising fucking owns. Hopefully it runs well on deck. It’s a pretty crappy port, but I don’t see an Xbox 360 game struggling to run well enough. One downside is that it fails to teach you how parrying works so that’s worth looking up at some point.


Valkyria Chronicles continues to rule if you like tactics tinkering… and frankly so does god hand


I Godda Hand it to you; you make a compelling case.


Apologies, I didn’t mean to repeat myself. How droll

Beyond starcon2, I think Revengeance would be great on a deck. Plus, it is worth playing just to have context for “…nanomachines, son!!!”

Killer7 is great, but every time I mention it on IC I learn about how I am always playing it wrong. I played it on PS2: “lol GameCube only way you dumbo”; I grab it again on steam “lol bad port you dumbo”. So be wary of that I guess