Good raps

oooh found some more good game references in things I've been listening to recently.

Kid3rd (?) off E-40 - Dapper Don
"Like Sonic with these gold rings on, watch me power up
Kung-Fu style too weak, you can't counter us"

Sean Price off Statik Selektah - Ralph Lauren's Closet
"Octoflow toxic, cock to 4 pop it
You seein some machineguns, Dr. Robotnik"

btw, Sean Price, my favorite rapper! Been a Heltah Skeltah fan since Nocturnal! RIP!

Hydroponikz - Never Stop
"Sweet dreams to the sleep walking dreary
Y'all practically buried, Resident Evil Barry"

does that make sense? I've never played the first RE lol.


@downtonabbey#17044 No Ratking?

oh I love RatKing! 93 Wiki and So It Goes are incredible records! 700 Fill, not so much...

but Wiki's No Mountains in Manhattan is a fantastic record too! His new one is good also, but could be better.

@p3ters#17058 Sean Price is amazing. Top five for me too. I can totally hear in my head how he'd deliver that Robotnik line.


Sean Price is way underrated.

I have only shallow hip hop opinions, and this is hardly controversial, but on any given day I am thinking about how Missy Elliott is one of the GOATs among all GOATs

If for no other reason than who else has almost two decades separating work as good and representative of their whole deal as [this]( and [this](

Who else could be in their late 40s and rhyme half a feature verse on plrlrlrlrllrlrlrlrlr but Misdemeanour? Missy Elliott said Ra-ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, sex me so good I say, blah-blah-blah, work it, I need a glass of wat-ah, so Lizzo could rhyme necessary with accessorary (what?(She said it, accessorary))

nah Missy is legit! on that note tho, I‘ve always wanted to listen to Bubba Sparxxx album Deliverance since it’s also of that era where Timbaland was just putting out hits. I've no opinion on the rapper himself, but the music has to be good at least lol.


@whatsarobot#17066 Sean Price is amazing. Top five for me too. I can totally hear in my head how he’d deliver that Robotnik line.

I mean you don't have to hear it in your head, I suggest you actually check the song out lol

it also features Thirstin Howl III. Given the name of the song, it'd be a shame if it didn't have him lol.

Thirstin Howl III, the artist behind one of the funniest rap songs ever:

that new Statik album is really good btw! All his albums are good, but I think Balancing Act is definitely one of his best. It also has features with Jack Harlow and Marlon Craft, two of hiphop's nicest new white boys. Shame though that one of them is by a landslide more popular than the other lol

@Gaagaagiins#17097 Missy is absolutely one of the best of all time.

Now that this thread has gone on long enough, I hope I can post this and have it be received at face value and not be accused of being a troll.

I **love** Das Racist. Yeah, the meme Pizza Hut Taco Bell song group. But that’s just a good DR song, it’s not a great DR song.

Their first mixtape "Shut Up Dude" came out the week my oldest kid was born and somehow I listened to it constantly. _You Outta Know_ interpolates Billy Joel's _Anthony's Song (Moving Out)_ is catchy as hell, and shows off the repetition that Das Racist is famous for in their songs.

Best track on the mix tape is _Chicken and Meat_.

My favorite DR track is _You Can Sell Anything_ from their second mixtape.

Love this thread.

@antillese#17476 I also love this thread. And man, those two Das Racist mixtapes (especially the second one) were some of my most-listened to of the years they came out. I still listen to a lot of those songs regularly.

I don't really know what happened to Heems, but some of Kool A.D.'s solo shit is also awesome:

_I'll do whatever, I'm a real whatever-doer_

@whatsarobot#17480 Kool A.D.'s got some great, greaaaat flows for his raps, and honestly has one of my favorite voices for it. Smooth like butter, super melty. I think “Dum Diary” might be my favorite display of that.

Anyway, any Michigan rap fans here? Really loving what Yatchy's been doing with rapps in that state in the last few years.

@downtonabbey#17044 RIP Ratking, Wiki the GOAT.


Keep an eye on Sporting Life, the producer for Ratking, he's still putting out good stuff and occasionally Wiki hops on.
feel me before they kill me jerry


@downtonabbey#17569 I loved his output last year, too. Did you see he had r*pe allegations? It was floating around on Twitter for a while, made me feel super weird. I also didn't know he was way older than the rest of RATKING at the time of them recording material!


Never heard about all that, does taint him a bit, even if just allegations. Its hard to separate the art from the artist.

didn't Heems get a job at spotify? lol. He also has an album called Eat Pray Thug which is probably one of my favorite names for an album lol. Maybe up there with Honkey Kong :stuck_out_tongue:

also I really need to hear that Nehruvian Doom album. I bought Bishop Nehru's whole bandcamp discography thanks to the bundle discount, but that album isnt included. Also the guy generally is just OK... he's good but none of his material slaps me as amazing and need to put on repeat.


@aolnetscape#17522 Anyway, any Michigan rap fans here? Really loving what Yatchy’s been doing with rapps in that state in the last few years.

Detroit has been putting out some of the best emcees for a while now. Like, the environments in CA and NY have changed so much that they can't produce the type of artists they were giving us in the 90s, but somehow Michigan is pumping out top tier artists.

I mentioned my favorites, Clear Soul Forces, at the beginning of the thread, but the album SONOGRAM by One Be Lo (aka One Man Army from Binary Star) is one of my top 5 records post-2000.

he put out a new album lately too, BABY, which is quite good.

another Detroit emcee I love but has kinda disappeared lately is Journalist 103. He came out of this group called The Left which made Apollo Brown a very high profile producer, but honestly I'm not really into Apollo's beats. The rapper however proved to me he was the strength of the group when he release a solo album

this song is actually off of The Left's album, but I highly recommend a listen to it. Reason being, it got removed from the digital release of the album, and subsequently on the physical re-release of the vinyl. No idea why, but that sucks coz the song is amazing!
(I just like that they rhyme Silent Hill with Hunnid Dolla Bill in this song)

I just posted this in the game samples thread, but it's worth posting here. The rapper Vakill raps over a Chrono Trigger sample on this third album. The song is amazing, listen to it lol.

Vakill is another artist who made a top 5 post-2000 record for me. Specifically his second album, Worst Fears Confirmed.

the other records in that top 5 are the aforementioned One Be Lo - SONOGRAM

Opio from Souls of Mischief - Triangulation Station

Evidence - Weatherman LP

and Masta Killa - No Said Date

or at least I think this is the list... these were the 5 that came to my head first.

wait I can remember another one... Sean Price - Monkey Barz.

there was a ton of good music coming out when ppl were screaming about hip hop is dead, just that there was so much of it that all the good stuff was getting buried by whatever Kanye / G-Unit / Lil Wayne stuff that was grabbing everyone's attention at the time.