Insert Credit Flavored Questions that are too stupid for the Dirtbag

But a treasure behind the waterfall has got to be better than that, right?? Such a good hiding spot
 it's gotta be something good

Anyway, there are no stupid questions. There are, however, boring questions


@“Jaffe”#p50269 Anyway, there are no stupid questions. There are, however, boring questions

Don't take away my one sincere joy in life, asking stupid questions

What is your mom’s favorite TV show, and how would you adapt it into a video game that your dad would actually enjoy playing?

What is the eggnog of video games?

Stop me if you’ve heard these ones before

What isn't the Jingle All The Way of videogames?


Your question reminded me of this fire emblem Gilmore girls crossover:

That being said in order for my dad to like it would have to be a Gilmore Girls skin for Wii Sports resort golf (lol)


@“BluntForceMama”#p50296 What is the eggnog of video games?

Christmas NiGHTS

When I'm rewarded with gold for winning a fight, was that gold on the monster? Did that monster steal that money, or did it earn it? What would a monster DO with that money? Are there monsters that go and patronize the local “fantasy 7-Eleven” for a big gulp after a day of monster-ing?

Was wondering this last night after making a good chunk of change killing slimes. Where would a slime even keep the gold coins??


@“BluntForceMama”#p50296 What is your mom’s favorite TV show, and how would you adapt it into a video game that your dad would actually enjoy playing?

Looks like I’m making *The Real Housewives of Sub Hunt*


@“KingTubb”#p50327 When I’m rewarded with gold for winning a fight, was that gold on the monster?

You know kidney stones?

@“kory”#p50312 I feel like this answer is a little reductive

The three defining characteristics of eggnog are that it's seasonal, it's good in its store bought form and magnitudes better when homemade, and it's delicious for non-drinkers but commonly has alcohol added to it

Therefore, it's Pokémon

@“dylanfills”#p50355 I‘ve wanted someone to ask me to explain, but it’s a pretty robust answer in my opinion

  • 1. PokĂ©mon is not something that most participants always participate in. PokĂ©mon games come out every couple years or so, everyone puts on their cap with an inscrutable green insignia and barrels through it over a few weeks. Therefore, PokĂ©mon is seasonal
  • 2. PokĂ©mon has a robust community of mods and romhacks that many would argue are better experiences than the main games. On top of that, one of the statistically authoritative ways people engage with PokĂ©mon is through PokĂ©mon Showdown, a battle simulation site that is probably the best way to get your feet wet in the competitive scene. Therefore, PokĂ©mon is better when it's not store bought.
  • 3. PokĂ©mon is a really pleasant RPG game with a cute world and characters that are endearingly moronic. This is the experience that most people have. However, just beneath the surface is about three different strategy games worth of competition and depth that the developers cheekily upend with each new set of 'mons. The strategies in battles are, on their own, a really dense set of predictions to make, scenarios to plan for, and strategies to sculpt. Beneath _that,_ lies a whole world to traverse simply to acquire the right moveset for your bubbly monsters. Beneath _**that,**_ is a whole part time job's worth of time needed to get the perfect stats necessary to trounce your enemies. Therefore, PokĂ©mon can be enjoyed simply, or you can add to it with the intention of poisoning your friends, enemies, and yourself
  • >

    @“dylanfills”#p50400 Therefore, PokĂ©mon is better when it’s not store bought.

    Thanks for clarifying this one I worried you were electrocuting rats in your garage

    1 Like

    @“dylanfills”#p50355 care to elabora
oh ok thanks!


    I'm just relieved that one of your major criteria was the goodness of eggnog. I am used to getting some real flak when I bring it up in general conversation. I thought that would lead to a much more esoteric game!

    @“BluntForceMama”#p50296 when i think “the eggnog of video games”, i think “something that is extremely divisive because it is Extremely A Lot, as in just ridiculously dense and rich, and depending on the nog it has the capacity to get you drunk”

    I can't drink eggnog cause i have a really low tolerance for sweet stuff, it makes me nauseous. So in my head, every MMO is a brand of eggnog. It's either extremely your thing or it's extremely not, it's a superintensified form of one particular Thing, and depending on which one you play it has the potential to have intoxicating effects and/or addictive qualities.

    @“captain”#p50644 oh yeah I'd never do that

    @“andrewelmore”#p50659 ok, but have you had homemade eggnog? It rips like a tide and is typically much less sweet

    @“dylanfills”#p50661 only the boozy kind but YES and it is delightful

    @“andrewelmore”#p50675 Charles Mingus was infamous for his boozy eggnog. I tried to recreate it last year and livestream myself playing Christmas Carols. Mixed success