Insert Credit Flavored Questions that are too stupid for the Dirtbag

What is the Mitsuoka Le Seyde of video games?


The Mitsuoka Le-Seyde was a limited produced car, based on the Nissan Silvia S13. Only 500 units were made, and Mitsuoka claims that all were sold within four days after they went on sale. The Le-Seyde resembles the Zimmer Golden Spirit.

@“hellomrkearns”#p52038 iPhones with Flappy Bird on them?

@“hellomrkearns”#p52038 The Analogue Pocket (White)

Maybe this is slightly the wrong thread, and I almost feel bad tasking anyone with thinking about this. Did anyone hear about Logan Paul making a table made of game boys covered in resin? I first saw it and was upset beyond just having to think about that guy. Apparently, most of them were working perfectly fine and some were even custom made with upgrades.

I saw a Kotaku article that was I primarily agreed with but made the distinction that it's his money/property and he can do what he wants. I guess that's fine, but it just feels like a huge slap in the face to the preservation of hardware and games.

Obviously never hearing about that guy is my preference. However, I can't help but feel angry at someone just throwing away working game hardware that he somewhat easily could have replaced with broken shells. Sure it's his stuff/money, but it still feels like a dick move.

PS. I'm sorry to point this thread in such a reactive/base internet nonsense direction. It felt like a specific indignation that some of y'all could connect with.

@“dylanfills”#p53173 Having just looked this up I'm less angry than I am surprised he was able to
 make anything at all

@“dylanfills”#p53173 I think that gameboys are common enough that it‘s not really a big a deal. There’s around 120 million of them out there (somewhere), 15 going into a table isn't a dent.

If it was something like a Wonderswan Color table, I might be kind of annoyed.

For this thread:
If you were going to make a table from videogame hardware, what would you use?

@“beets”#p53183 off-brand Wii remotes

@“beets”#p53183 i'd make my table out of [upl-image-preview url=//]

@“NoJoTo”#p53198 I'll give you thirty bucks for it


@“beets”#p53183 If you were going to make a table from videogame hardware, what would you use?

Assuming first generation Microsoft Surface is de facto disqualified from this conversation, I’d like most of all a table made of old Neo Geo Freak issues (with the covers on the outside layer of course). It would most likely look pretty rad, recycled paper is surprisingly sturdy and the table would be relatively easy to move around compared to recycled plastic and metal.

How would you go about convincing your mum to sit down and learn how to pull off a pop flash in counter strike? How long would it take her to learn?

what is the hand-washing dishes of video games and, by extension, what is the loading/unloading a dishwasher of video games?


@“Wooben”#p53240 How would you go about convincing your mum to sit down and learn how to pull off a pop flash in counter strike? How long would it take her to learn?

Well, first I'd probably have to re-teach my mom that there are two mouse buttons

@“rootfifthoctave”#p53245 cashing in your accumulated skill points is like hand-washing dishes: it‘s easy and rewarding, and an empty sink is such cheap motivation that I eagerly do it even if there’s only a teaspoon or something in there. so, see, I will often go into the menu and attempt to cash in small amounts of skill points rather than save up for costlier upgrades.

loading/unloading a dishwasher I ain't had to do in years, but I can only imagine it's like picking up every piece of loot you see in Nioh and then having to sort through the junk later and throwing almost all of it out.

what do you wish your first ever video game could have been and how would it have changed your life for the better/worse?

@“NoJoTo”#p53198 This is a good answer because it’s already encased in plastic and will never be used for playing a game again.


@“connrrr”#p53280 hand-washing dishes: it’s easy and rewarding, and an empty sink is such cheap motivation that I eagerly do it even if there’s only a teaspoon or something in there

we must be from opposite dimensions because _i would rather die than hand wash dishes_, but i do it coz, y'know, i have to. on the other hand, i quite like doing the dishwasher at my parents'. so the video game equivalent for me would be

  • - hand washing - an online fps where i get killed before i achieve anything
  • - dishwasher - a nice fps campaign
  • All this talk about consoles lately has got me thinking: what is The Best game exclusive to a legitimately bad console?

    Define "The Best" and "legitimately bad" how you want.

    My candidates (I haven't really played any of these, so I'm just firing away here)
    -Lucienne's Quest for 3DO
    -The Apprentice for Phillips CD-i
    -Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines for PS Vita (I actually really like my the Vita bad enough? Is Oreshika even its best exclusive?)

    Would love to hear others' thoughts on this...


    @“rearnakedwindow”#p55001 All this talk about consoles lately has got me thinking: what is The Best game exclusive to a legitimately bad console?

    I will be betraying the very premise of this thread, but man, I can't think of anyone whose input I want on this more than Brandon Sheffield.

    @“rearnakedwindow”#p55001 that's an excellent question, you should toss it in the real Dirtbag!

    Technically this doesn‘t count because this game was cancelled, and I can’t remember if this was because an old episode of the show had a similar-enough question or if it just came up incidentally, but I recall a long conversation that Tim and Brandon had about a cancelled game called Colors that, from what I remember, according to them was more compelling than it had any business being as a Gizmondo game.

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