Insert Credit Flavored Questions that are too stupid for the Dirtbag


@“rearnakedwindow”#p55001 All this talk about consoles lately has got me thinking: what is The Best game exclusive to a legitimately bad console?

**Zenki FX** on NEC PC-FX
**Super Marathon** on Bandai Pippin
**Checkered Flag** on Atari Lynx
**Alien vs Predator** on Atari Jaguar
**Lucienne’s Quest** on Panasonic 3DO
er... **Loopy Town no oheya ga Hoshii!** on Casio Loopy?
........ **Gamera: The Time Adventure** is the least useless game on Bandai Playdia, I guess.

Damn, the exclusive part of the question really kills the PC-FX. I hesitated with a few other games but I have to go with the safer pick because I am not sure how well Sparkling Feather or Last Imperial Prince have aged. Marathon was also available on Mac obviously but it’s a console exclusive.

I am always in for trolling the Gamecube but objectively it, the Wii U or the Vita – to take a few mainstream examples of well known "failures" – have way too many great games to seriously compete in this category. Although I guess the Vita and Wii U are getting dangerously close to not having notable _exclusives_ anymore, in large part at the neon-colored hands of the same culprit.


@“Gaagaagiins”#p55099 I recall a long conversation that Tim and Brandon had about a cancelled game called Colors that, from what I remember, according to them was more compelling than it had any business being as a Gizmondo game.

Also known as the [Black ICE\White Noise]( of the Gizmondo.

Have we gotten answers? What the hell

I'm so lost


@“rearnakedwindow”#p55001 All this talk about consoles lately has got me thinking: what is The Best game exclusive to a legitimately bad console?

This is absolutely worthy of the Dirtbag


That's an honor. Well, gimme a minute (figuratively) to figure out how to be a patron and I'll dunk it in there.

@“dylanfills”#p55486 no one is Oddish

@“dylanfills”#p55486 tim is Oddish, Brandon is vileplume and Frank is that drooly one on the right I forget it's name

they don‘t have that kind of money to throw around so it’s gonna be the guy from Justified

Idk which member of the Oddish evolutionary tree is which Insert Credit panelist but, @Jaffe, honestly, I‘ve been meaning to get the courage to say this, but personally I think it’s kind of fucked up that you put Tim, Brandon, and Frank into a little tiny hand sized ball in between recordings. Like, what do they DO in there

Please, hold your applause until you've heard my material on whether or not people in the Pokemon universe eat Pokemon

@“Gaagaagiins”#p55589 they do

more than a Minit

likely more than Twelve Minutes


Somewhere between One Hour One Life or just 60 Seconds!

@“Syzygy”#p56496 Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma

So Superman sees everyone’s dicks all the time, right ?

@“whatsarobot”#p56588 are you saying they stole that game idea from themselves? Does that mean Virtue's Last Reward is the last one they made in their own timeline?

Can anyone think of any examples of local multiplayer games that allow you to break the rules (so enforcement or retribution must be carried forth by opponent outside of the game)?

I was wondering this after I saw a video of Table Tennis for Magnavox Odyssey recently. It allows your 'paddle' to go across the divider line to the other player's side.

@“safety_man”#p58497 A bunch of local multiplayer board games and party games work entirely on the basis of a hot seat “please avert your eyes away from the screen until your turn” honor system. A recent example I can share on the top of my head is a Pictionary-ish board game simulated in the Oink Games+ collection on Switch.

@“chazumaru”#p58460 surely at least about as often as one might look at someone's butt with the clothes on, right?

@“safety_man”#p58497 “screen cheating” in local multiplayer FPS games comes to mind. They even made a whole game based around the concept!