Insert Credit Flavored Questions that are too stupid for the Dirtbag


What is the cool side of the pillow of video games?

Swapping in Disc 2

@“Syzygy”#p58807 unlocking the high/double jump in an explorania

Is there a television show that would be better adapted into the Disco Elysium engine than Arrested Development?


@“dylanfills”#p58945 explorania

...this may be the first step on the path to replacing everyone's least favorite genre name, ngl

(props to miyamoto but "search action game" has evidently not caught on)


@“yeso”#p58909 I wonder what has a higher rate of failure: making a new mascot action platformer or opening a restaurant?

This isn't too stupid for the dirtbag but I don't know how anyone would definitively answer it

@“Syzygy”#p58807 when the controller you have clenched in your sweaty palms starts to run out of batteries so you swap in another one mid-session

@“captain”#p58948 I don‘t even really dislike m*********** as a term, but it’s way too long of a word. Too many syllables, and the “duh” to “vuh” consonant cluster is too hard to say*

*Even when reading something in my head, I kind of hiccup over words that are difficult to say (I don't know if this is a common experience)

I'm still trying to stick to Metroid-like, even if, like Tim, I do also believe there are distinguishing features which differentiate a Castlevania-like Metroid-like from a Metroid-like.

what I want to know is: can yoko taro see out of that thing? It doesn't look like there are any eye holes

@“yeso”#p60142 well, not sure about the eye holes, but I can at least confirm this much:

[upl-image-preview url=//]

@“yeso”#p60142 what does yoko taro see from inside that thing

I wonder if there‘s a sufficient gap between the teeth for some visibility. It looks like the mask sits higher up on the neck, which might be the reason for the scarf- he needs to conceal the fact that the teeth are at eye-level. All the footage I’ve seen has him seated/stationary. Nothing where he‘s walking, which would indicate he can see where he’s going is my thinking

i think it's SOP for mascot costumes to have the visibility hole be through the mouth

What is the Instant Pot of video games?

What is the Vitamix of video games?


Who is the John Waters of videogames

@“kory”#p60771 this is the Vitamix. I don‘t think the instant pot is that luxury, though I don’t have one or necessarily have an opinion of one

The switch might be the air fryer of video games


@“marlfuchs2”#p60773 Who is the John Waters of videogames

Are videogames cool enough to have a John Waters?

This is not a stupid question, but rather a question I want to ask the panel but I think it would be bad radio:

What was the final game to ship with a physical game manual included?

@Jaffe if you think this would be good radio I will put it into the Dirtbag.

@“Gaagaagiins”#p61267 Where do we draw the line on what constitutes a manual? I vaguely recall some PS4 games shipping with a folded piece of paper with a diagram inside showing the controls and nothing else. I don‘t think that’s a manual, and I don't think it would make for an interesting answer—does it make asking the question more complicated?