Insert Credit Flavored Questions that are too stupid for the Dirtbag

@“Gaagaagiins”#p61267 @“captain”#p61285

This has inspired me to submit a related but different question to the real dirtbag!

Thanks for the dirt


@“captain”#p61285 I don’t think that’s a manual

I agree with you here, so, yeah, let's get a more interesting answer if there is one.

@“captain”#p61285 that makes it a good question though. The ill-defined terms questions tend to lead to more spirited conversation

@“Gaagaagiins”#p61267 I don't think it would be good radio but it would be a good question to ask Frank Cifaldi on twitter dot com


@“Jaffe”#p61984 I don’t think it would be good radio but it would be a good question to ask Frank Cifaldi on twitter dot com

How do you talk to people on Twitter

Wait, that wasn‘t me being facetious, like, what is the best way to initiate a conversation with someone on Twitter?? DM feels so invasive, Tweeting @ them on your Tweeter doesn’t seem like it will actually be visible to anyone, and dropping in on their latest tweet to say something unrelated feels rude.

Genuinely do not know how the platform works

Twitter really is the most anti-social social media platform

Is Phoenix Wright copaganda? It genuinely feels like it, even though so often the prosecutors and police are painted as the villains and trying to bend the rules.


@“dylanfills”#p62076 Is Phoenix Wright copaganda? It genuinely feels like it, even though so often the prosecutors and police are painted as the villains and trying to bend the rules.

For stuff like police procedurals or just anything prominently featuring cops that aren't critical of cops (and so it's main break from general realism is that cops are not worthless psychopaths), I more or less just extend my suspension of disbelief to incorporate that the work must occur in a universe where cops actually do the things they are supposed to do.

Is it copaganda, is the question, though. I think it's an interesting non-coincidence that a lot of fiction about police that occur in the Alternate Universe Where Cops Are Fine tend to be about detectives or investigators who are solving murders or catching serial killers. It's always the shit that people think is what cops do, which is try to find and apprehend legitimately dangerous people who are an active threat. Of course, in reality what cops tend to do when serial killers are likely operating is just not believe communities or areas or groups who are targeted by serial killers when they beg for justice or even just basic protection, then maybe many years later said killer will make enough careless mistakes that they are caught, often incidentally. So I guess Alternate Universe Where Cops Are Fine is even more remote than I initially presented it as--maybe there are more fictional cops that do this kind of thing than real ones at this point.

Maybe what I'm trying to say is, if Phoenix Wright is Copaganda, then so is, like, Sherlock Holmes. And Sherlock Holmes ain't even a cop

@“Syzygy”#p62402 he probably could have pulled a string or two to get a review copy, so he‘s had the game for like a month now. I’ll let that speak for itself

@“Syzygy”#p62528 Submit that question as-is, it's good

I don't know how recognizable is recognizable but for some reason the game this question brings to mind for me is [Blazing Angels 2](

When I want to put a convoluted one in The Dirtbag, I try to distill the essence of the question down to a succinct, one sentence question, and then include a more context heavy explanation after.

My rationale is if the question pleases our gracious host, they will figure out how to phrase it in a way the panel will be able to understand and turn into good radio, and if it's still unclear, I've provided our gracious host with the background information they may be able to use to get the panel placed more carefully on the track I was intending to get them on.

If I had to distill that question down I'd say something like: What is the most _interesting_ game to have as one's personal GOAT? There might be better adjectives than interesting. Idiosyncratic? Enigmatic?

normalize long dirt bag questions!

(i mean this earnestly)

((i mean, it’d be kinda funny, in a lightning round, if the first question (and subsequent discussion) was long and serious, and the second was something like ‘what video game console would mario be buried in?’ and then they run out of time))

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@“NoJoTo”#p62605 what video game console would mario be buried in?

What is the Bartleby the movie of video games?

@“dylanfills”#p62632 I don't have an answer to the question, but I am losing my mind at the idea of promotional imagery of this movie having “I would prefer not to.” as a tagline


For some reason I knew the name Bartleby the Scrivener and had even been repeating it in my head the last couple of days. This is the first time I've had any inkling about what it is, I always assumed it was some side character in a musical ala fiddler on the roof.

@“beets”#p62639 it‘s an excellent short story and one of the weirder movies I’ve ever seen. Also the DVD features taught me what the theramin is

EA‘s Visceral Games’s Dante‘s Infero seems an easy choice to me, if "mainstream adaptation of ’market poison‘ written work" is the archetype, but I sense there’s a more interesting answer lurking out there (I have not seen the film)

What is the “last 10% of the tube of toothpaste seems to contain 50% of the toothpaste” of video games?