Insert Credit Flavored Questions that are too stupid for the Dirtbag

@“captain”#p63890 MMO raids and end game stuff?

That seems like the obvious answer though.

Actually, it's Metal Gear Survive. You only get access to all of the cool weapons, traps and equipment after beating the story. That game is fine but it needs all the help it can get and you only get the good stuff after you have beaten the campaign. No idea why.

I suppose in the same vein another answer might be something like Mario 3D World, unlocking a substantial number of levels after you finish the designated “main” levels

@“captain”#p63890 the final cutscene gauntlet of a Kojima game

@“captain”#p63890 Being forced to start over on DMC5 is also reminding me of what a shame it is that a lot of people played it once because of new game hype and likely didn't play a second time: the first playthrough is a giant tutorial!

@“captain”#p63890 Pokémon is truly uninteresting until you've been on Bulbapedia and Smogon for at least about 12 collective hours

What the hell was the deal with Booster from Super Mario RPG? Like, what the hell. The other side antagonists seem to come out of more easily identifiable tropes or archetypes, or they‘re just purely weird. But then Booster is just… this weird awful rich guy with a kooky tower. He kinda comes off like he’s a parody or someone or some thing but other than that at least to me he is unknowable.

If every video game character escaped the virtual world and attacked their creators, which video game developers would be capable of beating their creations in a fight?


@“穴”#p66057 If every video game character escaped the virtual world and attacked their creators, which video game developers would be capable of beating their creations in a fight?

Video footage of Team Cherry 1HKOing their entire videogame

This isn‘t a stupid question but it is one I’ve been meaning to ask:

@Jaffe What is your preferred name to be called/method of address, at least for us here on the forum?

I know the panelists call you Jaffe, but like, even leaving side [insert hyperlink to a medium article about parasociality here], even in the best of circumstances it's hard to tell when a way someone's friends refer to them is, like, a friend thing, and not an anyone thing.

Honestly, to relate it to a shared reference point, referring to someone by their surname as a default mode of address like that makes me think of the anecdotes Tim shares in the [DOOM review]( about those white boys he went to college with, and I assume they aren't the sort of people who would think to ask since no one did before their ass escaped from being a side character in _A Separate Peace,_ and, well, that ain't me. In fact, it's about as "ain't me" as it can possibly get.

So, you know, that's at least partly why I figured since we refer to you conversationally often and directly enough on the forums, we ought to know if there's a best practice we can follow if it isn't reflected in your choice of username.

Jaffe is fine. But if I get a choice, Tim’s girlfriend Mimsy always calls me “Alex Jaffe” and I like that

@“Jaffe”#p66227 I considered that but thought it was too stuffy?? Which means I'm the stuffy one, unlike Mimsy, who is cool enough to just go with it. Anyway thank you for clarifying Alex Jaffe


@“Gaagaagiins”#p66214 referring to someone by their surname as a default mode of address

GOD I hate when people do immediately puts me on the defensive, especially in work environments where I suddenly feel like I'm dealing with the dang _Wolf of Wall Street_

Anyway, to turn that energy into something "productive" for the thread:

If all video games followed the Mass Effect model where you could name your protagonist anything you want because all other characters would just refer to them by their fixed last name (e.g. [_Shepard?_]( what _new_ _canonical_ first names would you bestow upon your favorite characters?

weird power thing around surnaming people is a classic gym teacher move

In fact I once got so annoyed at a gym teacher for doing this and making constant polka comments that I threw a basketball at him. It was like a full court distance so I didn't really think I'd hit him but I nailed him right in the head. He didn't see where the throw came from so he was asking who did it, but none of the other kids ratted on me.

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@“yeso”#p66291 A gangster move. Glad you Arch Rivals 'd that scumbag.

thank you, it's my greatest athletic acheivment

I discovered that the surname power move is just about calling you a different name than the rest of the people, because in seventh grade everyone called me by a weird mispronunciation of my last name for some stupid reason but the only person that called me by my then first name was the jock type kid that would usually use the surname power move.

I didn't let gym teachers call me by my last name because I used the power move of skipping gym class lol

Sorry, I'm torn and obsessed with the answer. Is Doomguy a bottom?


@“dylanfills”#p68166 Sorry, I’m torn and obsessed with the answer. Is Doomguy a bottom?


Original Doomguy? Or the modern DOOM (2016) DOOM continuity Doomguy? I claim no real actionable knowledge of DooM III, just want to put that out there.

It's a tough question to answer in general because you don't really see Doomguy at rest, or really doing or even wanting to do anything other than kill demons or otherwise undermine the aims of demons. He's a very focused guy.

I most want to say that Doomguy is asexual................ but that's kind of a copout. Just because we don't see him fuck or see him remotely express any interest in fucking doesn't mean he is asexual. So, maybe he's just very private.

One thing I'll say is that I'm completely opposed to the idea of saying that Doomguy is a top simply because he is assertive and dominant. But just saying tee hee, Doomguy is a bottom because subversion, is even more of a copout than just saying he's asexual.

Using a scientific process, my partner and I have ascertained that modern DOOM (2016) continuity Doomguy is a service top.

I kinda want to say that original DooM continuity Doomguy is a heterosexual cis male, who is sexual in a way that would not require descriptive terms like top or bottom (inasmuch that straight people can use those terms to begin with). He just doesn't have enough sex or has sex for long enough to warrant further categorization.

@“Gaagaagiins”#p68193 I mean, not sure about the in-game avatar allowing them to live their fantasy, but most Doom fans are obviously attracted to the Cyberdemon. Take a look at this:


Go ahead and pinch yourself. This is no ordinary nightmare. Your first view of the formidable Cyberdemon occurs in the Tower of Babel. Talk about lasting impressions. And it‘s not just the Cyberdemon’s size that's frightening. (A Cyberdemon could crush you like a grape if he stepped on you.)

Replace "Cyberdemon" with "untamable werewolf" or "sweaty vampire jock" and its a pretty typical alt lit fangirl paragraph.


If you manage to escape an encounter with the Cyberdemon, pinch yourself again: You could be dreaming.

He’s _so dreamy!_

@“chazumaru”#p68194 wow! That's a whole lot of repressed something.

There's no accounting for taste. Cyberdemon wouldn't even crack my Top 30 List of Sexiest Demons.