Insert Credit Flavored Questions that are too stupid for the Dirtbag

@“Gaagaagiins”#p68197 cacodemons on the other hand

My new leaning on this is that DOOM (2016) guy is way angrier and therefore a bottom, but Doomguy is a different person (even within the context of them being the same guy separated by a stint stuck in some cursed sarcophagus) and much quieter in his manner and a top.

I think it's fruitless to speculate on Doomguy's sexuality, and I hope that it is ok to colloquially use these terms as a straight guy myself.


Sweet Christmas! Big-mouthed floating thingies!


The sugar-sweet kiss of heavy ordnance!

@“dylanfills”#p68231 sometimes its dependent on who the partner is

What is the “live screening of The Room” of videogames?



Closed betas

Does anyone know Florkofcows?

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CW: some cartoon gore

>![upl-image-preview url=][upl-image-preview url=]!<

What's the Florkofcows of videogames?

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@“tokucowboy”#p75857 this feels like it should be a thread of its own, but i'll venture a guess

Sonic Cool Dude?

@“Syzygy”#p80213 BoF III

Aside from the technological limit on the software, would it matter what machine this ÜberJRPG would be played on? Trying to answer the question makes me think no matter what it is it‘s gotta be a game that was originally on a console but you’re playing it on a handheld (how I have had all my most important experiences with the genre)

@“Syzygy”#p80213 I’d try to check as many as these boxes as possible.

□ Medieval setting (Heroic Fantasy)

□ There is a distinct world map

□ Ship/airship travel at some point

□ If possible, the party follows behind the lead

□ Main character can be renamed

□ Main character is a male knight using a sword

□ At least 2 party members have an [color=#FF4444]o[/color][color=#44FF44]d[/color][color=#4444FF]d[/color] hair color

□ Turn-based battle

□ Preferably random encounters

□ You can see the player’s party in battle

□ Tiny sprites / deformed characters

□ Bigger monster sprites

□ Some large numbers shown on the screen

□ Magic spells using transparency / alpha textures

□ Preferably (big) summons as well

□ A dragon is prominently involved in the story

□ Good chiptune music

□ At least one mini-game

□ Big text boxes

□ Awkward translation

Can’t find a game that fits all the criteria but I’d go with **Lufia II**, **Final Fantasy V** (maybe the Advance version specifically) or **Dragon Quest VII**. I think Lufia II fits especially well.

At least to hit as many of @“chazumaru”#p80292 ‘s bullet points as possible, and, at least, to choose a JRPG that is the most JRPG irrespective of whether something being burdened with as many genre tropes as possible, it would need to be some mediocre, C List, derivative of a derivative kind of JRPG. Probably in the PS1 era so that there is time for this kind of derivation decay cycle to really get going, but also early enough in that era so that it’s like, oh, it's a SNES/Genesis JRPG but with a bit more 3D effects.

It also can't be anything like a small _RPG Maker_ game made with the packaged in generic JRPG assets, because 1) rude 2) if any of those are good enough to be counted as "a game," it was probably doing something intentionally self aware with said tropes.

I don't remember really much about it at all because I only played it very briefly a long time ago, but whenever I think about a generic JRPG, I think of _Beyond the Beyond._

What is the “A Note on the Type” of video games?

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@“saddleblasters”#p80371 What is the “A Note on the Type” of video games?

when kojima drops the brand name of a pair of sunglasses etc

@“Gaagaagiins”#p80353 I also thought of Beyond the Beyond when I took a look at the list haha, but I was actually trying to avoid recommending a trite RPG experience and rather recommend games that match the clichĂ© of the era while remaining enjoyable experiences (even today).


@“yeso”#p80373 when kojima

... when kojima tries to invent a new, awkward name for a concept and then spend months attempting to explain it to everyone.
See: transfarring, strand games.

@“saddleblasters”#p80371 I don't think this is the most correct answer but the first thing this made me think of are the “best played with headphones” screens at the start of games that were a trend for a while

i dunno, i think the ‘A Note on the Type’ and the proto-JRPG questions should both absolutely be discussed on the show! these questions aren‘t stupid at all. you seein’ these questions over here, @“Jaffe”#205 ?

my answers: Breath of Fire II or III, and maybe Grandia or Grandia 2 come pretty close to ticking all those boxes.

'A Note on the Type' is a trickier but therefore more delicious challenge. i feel that a close analogy might be the signs they used to have on fighting game arcade machines that showed you how to execute each character's special moves.