Insert Credit Flavored Questions that are too stupid for the Dirtbag

Thought of an answer to my own question:

[upl-image-preview url=]

@“Syzygy”#p80213 It's not my favorite jrpg by any stretch but somehow Lunar on PS1 was my initial candidate for this.

I feel like all the middleware logos that appear before a game's title screen are sort of the corporate video game equivalent to a Note on the Type.

Imagine a little blurb at the beginning of a game being like "The Havok Physics engine expresses a complex and rich mix of playfulness and realism... etc etc" lol

Please listen to episode 248. Thanks everybody

I guess we know whose questions are now stupid as a matter of public record.

And we will know if the hosts get any of them right!

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This thread has been infiltrated…… repeat, this thread has been infiltrated

Of course Alex Jaffe was in here by comment 20, it has been infiltrated, but it had been too

is sega the company that gets the most “[not-sega game] feels like a [sega] game” comments spoken about it?

>!i think this is true and it's primarily down to a consistent aesthetic across much of their games, especially in the early 3D days (such as the "sega blue skies" that often gets referenced)!<

Aside from Shigeru Miyamoto, who is “The Shigeru Miyamoto of Videogames?”

Who is the Shigeru Miyamoto of movies?

[upl-image-preview url=]

Which developer/publisher/IP owner performs the most embarrassing cross promotion? Up to you whether I mean the most instances of embarrassing cross promotion or the most embarrassing single example

Is it _not_ Bandai Namco because of the delicious absurdity to releasing an _Elden Ring_ energy drink mix (in prickly pear flavour profile) several months after _Elden Ring_ has gracefully (hehe) departed the upper echelons of the zeitgeist?

Is Konami too easy of a pick?

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oh hey i had a silly and bad idea for a question a couple of years ago (the question was already borderline out of date then) that i just remembered when i saw this thread

"what is the normcore of video games"

it still makes me laugh to think about

Why is it that when I used to go over to a friend‘s house and watch them beat an entire game, that experience to me feels more like “having played that game” than watching a let’s play or longplay?

(Sorry this poorly worded, best I can do right now)

@“brillpickle”#p82570 i feel like this question was asked on the show???


“what is the normcore of video games”

hmm... a new name for the commodification of something that isn't new, and which is arguably not something at all, but which is defined by its un-something-ness, or its conformity to aesthetic or formal norms... the appeal of which may be so out of bounds to those with a deep interest in the hobby that any appreciation of the aesthetic is assumed to be ironic, and that its fans are playing some convolved 4-dimensional chess mind game that makes them cool even as they are (supposedly) performing uncoolness... when the popularity of the thing may more accurately be explained by its "classic" appeal, by the fact that it achieves some kind of baseline level of formal pleasure... something in here about connotations of upper class aspirations even as the plain unstylish thing may actually be cheaper than stuff which is considered more stylish or "out there"... corporate interest in commodifying the thing leads to a buyers' landscape of products which are similar in appearance but which possibly differ greatly in underlying makeup/structural integrity, typically but not always drawn along lines of whether the product is the genuine article (produced pre-commodification) or its simulacrum (post-commodification)............

is normcore the "indie games" of clothes?

if video games were food, which video games would have the highest caloric content?


@“穴”#p82606 if video games were food, which video games would have the highest caloric content?

Candy Cru--*[is beset by a pack of enraged ferrets]*

@“穴”#p82606 Thinking about it for more than a few seconds, if as compared to proteins and carbohydrates, fat contains the most calories per gram, then the game with the highest caloric content would presumably be the game that is the most game or at least among them, but also likely the fattiest game.

It's tough to figure out what would be the game that is the *most* game and still has significant calorie density. Something like _No Man's Sky..._ that's a lot of game but a lot of it is also more like a whole lot of wispy strands of airy spun sugar and microgreens. That'd be especially not it if we were to, say, consider not a game's totality of total available stuff, but more like, one standard playthrough is like a meal, and its totality is like the whole crop, which you or anyone does not necessarily consume all at once, since its what is meant to be distributed to all available consumers.

This is a tricky one. What's a game that is both super voluminous but also very fatty?


@“Gaagaagiins”#p82608 What’s a game that is both super voluminous but also very fatty?

I came up with the question while eating a tamal. tamales feel voluminous and are very fatty, you are on the right track here.

the newest super smash bros is very voluminous with all those characters, and smash bros feels like a fatty game imo. so maybe smash bros ultimate could be an answer

i do like tamales much better than those smash brothers though

is having just a god hand really that good for punching? i mean if god wanted to make gene better in combat he would have lent his whole arm not just the hand, just saying

also gene should be spelled jean.