insert credit show soundtrack

check it out!

kurt, love the soundtrack

Violence Island

sounds like the music from the end levels of a Sonic game when shit is getting serious


Opening Theme I
Opening Theme II

have the aesthetics of one of my favorite movies of all time, the 1987 Schwarzenegger classic
**The Running Man**

based on the Stephen King novel of the same name.
but written under the pseudonym Richard Bachman

I bought it. I frequently sing the Closing Theme in my head as I make my food so I may as well have the actual thing playing in my kitchen.

Immediate purchase for me…have been eagerly anticipating this!

edit: NGL, not hearing @Jaffe ’s voice come in during the opening track threw me for a loop

Very pleased that Violence Island is on here.


Just so everyone knows, all soundtrack proceeds go directly to Kurt! Also bachelor soft did the artwork (perhaps obviously). You may recognize some of the shop names in that mall there!

Opening Theme I hits like a fuckin truck, I been saying this

edit: mostly to myself, in my head. Don't worry about it

Congratulations to the composer, very striking and memorable soundtrack. Now the kids will be able to record and sell their own homebrew episodes on the dōjin podcast market.

Imma let you finish but The Prize of Peril hasn’t jumped into that lawsuit for nothing!

I was listening to it on the background and kept waiting for the hosts to introduce themselves but never happened, weird.

holy shit i never heard of this The Prize of Peril movie.
mind= blown


The Running Man movie plagiarized The Prize of Peril movie.

guess that justifies FF7 being influenced by The Running Man soundtrack.

infiltrating shinra tower sounds a lot like the The Running Man Main Theme

even if that bachelor person‘s game never comes out it’s still better than 99% of all games ever made

the bass on Opening Theme I is just incredible

I’m in. Let’s do it.

one little thing missing (understandably.)

off topic, but god damn the hoops i just jumped through to make 134k available on the internet...

Wow, the opening theme sure sounds extremely wrong when you always listen at x1.5 speed…

Love it. Best music in any podcast I listen to.

Closing theme is my fav.

BTW I just made the soundtrack an incentive for $10-and-up patrons. Let me know if you didn't get yours!

Wow, never realised Insert Credit's Kurt Feldman was Ice Choir. I love the album Designs in Rhythm