'koden korner

this winamp skin is fucking sick

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/Q9itpbj.jpeg]

that one makes me kind of sad…….


[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/RsnpOSA.png]

Forgot to post this earlier but it really captures something I like about the dialogue

roundly lost the duel with ||Teo|| only to have a gamefaqs guide say to me it's “very difficult to loose [sic] this duel as ||Teo|| starts with only half health” and that was discouraging

I almost lost the second time too!

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/xt4b90d.png]

petition to replace discursive references to "neckbeards" and "edgelords" with "Neck Lords"


Aye aye, @“captain”#p42859

been going on etsy a lot


@“tapevulture”#p42949 buy this

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/Tz9hqol.png]

@“yeso”#p42967 is this yours

@“tapevulture”#p43003 no it‘s from etsy as well. I’m not very crafty unfortunately

@“Syzygy”#p43020 i would like one of ramza and delita blowing the reed whistles in the field


@“captain”#p43118 you're makin a lot of progress in the game

@“tapevulture”#p43144 has happened more than once that I've spent 8 months playing the first five hours of a JPRG and then one month finishing it

God have mercy on the poor lost souls who tried in 1996 to fight Neclord without the flowing rune

||I beat him!! The story can continue!||

@“captain”#p43453 what is the fourth level spell in the original? I always remember not liking it because you lose Drops of Kindness from the basic water rune which is a very useful spell

@“tapevulture”#p43477 Fog of Deception. I did think it was weird that it didn't have Drops of Kindness attached to it—is that not the case in the sequels?