'koden korner

Ah I see. What I meant to say was: Because the ascended rune (e.g., Flowing) drops the first-level spell of the base rune (e.g., Water) in exchange for a new fourth-level spell, what is the new fourth-level spell you‘re getting with Flowing? Looks like its Mother Ocean, which resurrects dead characters in addition to fully healing everyone. I remember thinking that losing Drops of Kindness to get Mother Ocean wasn’t a great trade BUT maybe it is since getting a lot more Rain of Kindness and Water of Kindness spells = a lot more whole-party heals. The system is the same in Suikoden II by the way.

Thank you this has been Tape Vulture. Back to my gaming den

Ah yes but then you are in the unenviable position of what to do if a boss lands a meaty hit on just one character? Do you “waste” a full party heal when only one member is damaged? Or do you wait another turn, hope that the boss targets someone different so that when you do a group heal after that at least it‘s healing two characters, but then risk losing the character that got hit the first round if they get hit again? Yet another annoying problem that isn’t actually a problem at all (since it's the same first level spell resource being consumed) that managed to lodge itself in my head while always aiming to be as “efficient” as possible.

RPG Limit Break just ran a Suikoden marathon


holy heck late game ellie is OP

lol i just clicked a random point near the end of the playthrough and got ellie destroying a party of zombies in one hit. he‘s gotta be using some kind of OP rune and equipment combo…no way you’re getting 400+ damage out of a kite rune attack from normal ellie

yeah it's like the lethal thumbtack move from yaku7a

@“tapevulture”#p43675 Don't know why I interpreted “fourth-level” as “first-level” when answering your question, oops.

I'd rebut that although you lose Drops of Kindness you consequently have something to do with your absolute ocean of medicines and mega medicines.

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/sbqMxEL.png]

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/WfBgSWC.png]

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/B7Iyc9N.jpeg]

Final team
of course Tir, Flik, Viktor (Clone)
and Humphrey (Cyclone), Cleo (Flowing), and Tengaar (Fire)

@“captain”#p44094 Whooooaaaa!

heck yeah

DavidNoo get in here

@“captain”#p44094 that vita is a real nice way to play those games isn't it.

re your lineup: are you inclined to use the same or similar in suiko 2 (tengaar is real good fyi)

@“Polaco Yunque”#p44137 Vita is the JRPG machine!!! Was thinking about playing 2 on the TV if only for the increased sense of scale, though my current TV setup isn't great so I might not (and stick with the best machine ever made for playing this type of game)

I changed my whole party almost every time it asked me to so I'm not attached to anyone in particular (rather my love is a blanket which covers all). Humphrey was a last-minute addition. I wanted Cleo to be in the final party because she was part of the original crew and she and "JcDohl" were there to comfort each other over ||Gremio and Pahn (and Teo)||. Since 2 has a new main character (right?) I won't feel at least right away like I need to bring anyone in particular back (though Tengaar is pretty durn good).

To sum up my thoughts: I wasn‘t in love with it, it was rough around the edges (only two battle themes, I mean really, come now), but I respect the hell out of Su1koden. @“tapevulture”#292 was right to call it a “punk rock RPG of a video game.” It’s got a lot of personality and the right attitude, and I do wish I had been able to recruit everyone ||and save Gremio and Pahn||, but on the other hand it feels “correct” to not have won every battle, missed opportunities, and lost loved ones on the way to achieving peace/justice.

I'm glad I played 1 first and am excited for the next one, though I'll take a break first. Maybe not for too long, but this did give me a real hankering to play a Fire Emblem, which Suikoden felt spiritually in line with, or at least in accordance with what I like about Fire Emblem.

@“captain”#p44168 i like your review. that's basically how i feel about it.

need to give fire emblem a try. any one i should start with

black rune, pink balloon, what's the difference

@“tapevulture”#p44175 Hmm. I‘ll try not to overload you with information but that’s a tricky question. In general you can't go wrong with 7, 8, or 9. Click the spoiler tags for more info (no spoilers).

~(I'm numbering the titles in order to avoid drowning the post in subtitle words, but the numbers do not necessarily indicate a relationship between any two games.)

I recommend [Serenes Forest](https://serenesforest.net/) as a no-nonsense resource for recruitment and side quest info. This isn't like Dark Souls levels of wiki-needing (~(or... maybe it is)) but these games can occasionally be obtuse.

||I think the GBA games (6, 7, and 8) have the best game feel—everything moves pretty quickly, the battle animations are awesome, menu interaction is slick. Graphics are extremely legible. The music is good but gets pretty repetitive. 8 allows you to grind for levels in a tower of trials you can return to between chapters, while in 7 figuring out how to keep all your units similarly leveled (or bring new recruits up to speed) is part of the puzzle (one I find fun).||

||9 by comparison is a bit sluggish, but the increased sense of scale may appeal to you—more characters, bigger maps, multi-chapter battles. There's no grinding opportunity but you get stores of bonus experience which you can pour into units as you like. I turned the music off for most of the game due to emulation problems (surely a problem on my end). It also has a [sequel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_Emblem:_Radiant_Dawn), which is my favorite in the series, and improves on everything in 9 (it has several different battle themes!). These two tell more of a political story in the Suikoden vein than do 7 or 8.||

||7 stands on its own perfectly well, but if you like its characters it is actually a prequel to 6. [I haven't played 6 in English](https://forums.insertcredit.com/d/1068-videogame-ambitions-videogambitions/48) and so cannot say whether the narrative is worth following up on (6 is also wicked hard in a not very fun way). 8 is a standalone story with a neat villain and two protagonists you can choose between (each offering minor-to-significant narrative changes).||

||If I play one myself I'll either replay 10 or play [4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_Emblem:_Genealogy_of_the_Holy_War) for the first time (a fan-favorite and one which series creator Shouzou Kaga worked on as writer and designer).||

I cannot in good conscience recommend Awakening or anything after it, but obviously I'm in the minority there and you might have a blast with those. At the very least I would say they are the opposite of punk rock RPGs.

So. 7, 8, or 9. :)

zero responsibility weekend coming up which means playing suikoden III in 4K as god intended

first of all there is no god. but sounds like a nice weekend