let's discuss CRT TV ownership

I talked myself into buying a Trinitron, found one on Craigslist but couldn’t pick it up because the NY marathon was in the way and blocked every path to the seller’s apt that day. Which was just enough time to talk myself out of buying one for the same reasons you mentioned.

But now you, and everyone here make it seem like I should talk myself back in…

I don’t feel like getting old consoles for it though. That’d be too much for my minimalist ways. However, I was looking into a way to get my Steam Deck connected to one. So I guess it’ll depend on that, and if I can find another Trinitron to buy.


Someone please tell me these are overpriced. Otherwise, I’m likely to talk myself into picking one up, and I definitely am too cheap to want to spend this much.


Yes. These are overpriced.


Excellent. Thanks! Money saved.

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I dont know myself but i too am fearful of poison and chemicals from old junk. If theres not a ton of info out there maybe thats a good thing?

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I wouldn’t worry.

There are lots of old technicians who probably serviced those things for 40+ years and they seem okay.

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Depending on your area keep an eye on surplus auctions from hospitals and universities. I got mine of that exact model for ~70 bucks from a hospital.

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Shoot, this is a HOT set-up. Those shelves and TVs together are just too sleek.

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Yeah PVMs are over rated and 14” is too small for most things you’d wanna use a PVM for in the first place imo!

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All electronics contain harmful chemicals like lead. The glue, if it’s coming apart, could be wiped up, but as long as it’s not near food or being breathed in, you’re good. I am very sensitive and aware of these things. Vintage electronics are the least of my worries though compared to stuff like chemical air fresheners, scented detergents, and microplastics from polyester materials! if you want to discuss further I made a thread a long time ago about identifying if my stuff had lead paint in it!

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To that end I’ve just ordered myself an Analogizer and a VGA2SCART adapter. At least that should discourage me from embarking on the slippery slope of trying to re-purchase the SNES games I’ve lost over the years!
I also picked up a new in box floppy disk thing for the SNES in HK last year. I haven’t managed to get it working yet, but I’m looking forward to some period-appropriate piracy if I ever do.