I am not going to spend too much time analyzing the new strategy and release date and pricing of Fantasy Life i, because Level 5 might change its mind again within the next ten weeks, but the current release date (May 21) places it just ahead of Rune Factory: Guardian of Azuma (May 30) which seems to garner a lot of attention among its intended audience after the disappointing 5th episode. This PV from January has passed over 200k views in about a month.
Marvelous also celebrated Valentine’s Day this Friday by showcasing the game’s bachelors and bachelorettes.
A lot is riding on this game for Marvelous after two disappointing fiscal years so I don’t think they’ll let Level 5 grow too many turnips on their own turf without putting up a fight.
Speaking of an appropriate announcement for Valentine’s Day, Gundam Seed’s popularity in South East Asia and the recent success of the latest Gundam Seed movie have convinced Bandai Namco to release Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Battle Destiny Remastered on May 22 worldwide on Nintendo Switch and Steam. This version will adds a few mechs from the new movie.
It was originally a PS Vita game, and a sequel / spin-off to Artdink’s well liked Gundam Battle series on the PSP. Quite notable that this new version is not coming to any PlayStation console.