Nintendo Direct Thread

I want that new Power Pro so bad

A big fall guys online monkeyball sounds pretty fun if its done right.

And Yeah Ill play that crab game so what

@“Updog”#p153958 Crab Souls seems like an interesting concept. Maybe we can finally rebrand certain action games to Crab-likes now.

@“hellomrkearns”#p153948 let's get 30 of us together for a chill ocean time!!

@“hellomrkearns”#p153948 YEEEAAAAAAHHH! I have no idea how the marketing brains decided that Endless Ocean of all things was going to be not only the first but the second and final “one more thing” in a Nintendo Direct, but that sure worked specifically for me. I loved that game so much on Wii. Gonna need to hear that Enya-esque soundtrack, stat

I'm gonna be honest, Nintendo doesn't need the praise, but one of these big presentations including Pocket Card Jockey (I urge this game upon everyone), Fantasy Life, Shin Megami Tensei V, Endless Ocean and new Vanillaware shit is exactly what I want out of video games


@“tokucowboy”#p153983 Nintendo doesn’t need the praise, but

I think this sentiment is perfectly congruent with the fact that this presentation was explicitly for non-Nintendo games, lol. Definitely one of the better showings they've had for a while, and all they had to do is stay out of it!


@“tomjonjon”#p153888 The controls were going to be my follow up question. I mostly play Switch docked and it seems like a game designed with touch controls as the main input. Is a controller managable?

Hmm your mileage may vary but "manageable" is a good way to put it. It’s more precise but less convenient. I play almost exclusively handheld so I quickly went hybrid by using the touch screen for most of the game but the buttons in the situations I described above: the B button is more convenient than your finger to go back a specific step in the chain you already traced, and button shortcuts go way faster than the touch screen in the menus.



@“Tradegood”#p153892 That SMT VV trailer is so funny. It’s just all closeups on people’s faces and it tells you nothing. Is it standalone or postgame DLC or a new definitive edition of the game that you have to play over from the beginning?

It’s a full-priced SMT3 Maniax / P5 Royal re-release with additional and redesigned contents. Will release on all platforms.


@“Tradegood”#p153892 Is MonHun Stories any good? I remember looking it up on 3DS once and it cost like $90 on ebay

General consensus is the sequel is vastly superior to the original 3DS game, but this seems to be based on the later Smartphone release and I am not sure how much that version improved on the original game (maybe it included improvements from the sequel?).

@“hellomrkearns”#p153948 I don‘t know man I’m getting major Dave the Diver vibes.


@“coldlikecoffee”#p153900 MH Stories is not bad! The action is mostly rock/paper/scissors with a few minor mechanical layers thrown on top, so that piece of it isn’t the most engaging for a 40+ hour playthrough.

oh yikes is it random rock paper scissors a la Alex Kidd? Or is there still a little bit of strategic element? I like the idea of looking for eggs and forming a friendship with the monsters . I feel like if I ever get into the mainline monster hunter games it would help to have an emotional bond with the mons I end up hunting.


@“◉◉maru”#p153995 It’s a full-priced SMT3 Maniax / P5 Royal re-release with additional and redesigned contents. Will release on all platforms.

Atlus strikes again! At least it will release everywhere. I'm a little surprised they didn't wait for a nintendo console refresh but I guess it's more of a story dlc.

Or maybe the next switch is just the same as the last only a QLED model instead of OLED.


@“whatsarobot”#p153996 I don’t know man I’m getting major Dave the Diver vibes.

Either way it's poised for indie game of the year. How long until nintendo shuts down the online servers for a game called "Endless Ocean"

@“whatsarobot”#p153996 I'm getting real 7/10 vibes (a complement)


@“Tradegood”#p153998 Atlus strikes again! At least it will release everywhere. I’m a little surprised they didn’t wait for a nintendo console refresh but I guess it’s more of a story dlc.

If I understood Atlus’s follow up stream properly, the new story contents will be an alternate route which can be activated from the near beginning of the game, changing most of the story and events while keeping the locations intact. So at least, that would fix my major issue with the game. Demons also get a new unique trait on top of the usual abilities.

@“◉◉maru”#p154012 They also seem to be making some pretty major edits to the “vanilla” SMT V route as well, so it's kind of a combination of the III “Maniax” style and the IV “Apocalypse” style


@“Hunter”#p154013 They also seem to be making some pretty major edits to the “vanilla” SMT V route as well,

Are there? It didn’t seem like it from the stream. The new stuff seemed to be coming from the alternate events in the Vengeance route. Maybe I was not paying enough attention.

These plush dolls confirm for the first time officially that Claus, Lucas, and Kumatora all have Eyebrows

@“treefroggy”#p154026 Finally. Best direct yet.

These magnets are so cute.

[URL=][IMG width=500][/IMG][/URL]

I like the wardrobe and set design for their vintage 90's photography. the merch though, I stopped caring about a long time ago. I have rich friends that collect all the mother merch and it kind of creeps me out. get your special pieces and get them dirty, let them gain sentimental value over time. I have just two or three that I care for. When I was a kid I wanted it all, mainliy because it was so rare that mother merch even happened, and it was usually more transient like a preorder bonus or UFO catcher prize.

@“treefroggy”#p154029 I hear that. Out of curiosity I checked to see what shipping would be and its $30+. Sorry Bubble Monkey, you‘ll have to live on someone else’s fridge.

when I look at a lot of merch and especially these things, I think, I could very easily make my own bubble monkey fridge magnet. back in my day if we wanted mother merch we made it ourselves!! :cowboy_hat_face:haha but seriously the characters are so simple

look forward to treefroggys bootleg mother merch bazaar

@“◉◉maru”#p154019 I also didn’t get the impression that route was changing story-wise. It’ll just have all the battle and exploration changes that apply to the whole game.

New Atlus Girl has an okay design, hopefully she’s better than the majority of the members of that particular well they keep coming back to.

Do we know who’s making the new Endless Ocean? It doesn’t look much like Arika’s work, and not to be too negative but it looks kind of washed out and play dohy, and will no doubt run at 18 FPS

(This is a classic bad attitude video game forum post I know sorry)