Nintendo year in review

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Anybody else being given the strong impression they should stop buying so many games on switch!? ha ha. I played under 60 hours and one of my top 5 games was something I ONLY played for research and stopped as soon as I got to the part I needed to research (fire emblem, I do not like it). Multiple months with 0 hours played, and yet 37 games total. Last year was a bit better I guess.

I reckon my stats are an anomaly here and other folks will have played a lot more switch! I think most of my game time in 2020 was on the PS4, Genesis, and Saturn lol.

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At least I get to show people that hyperspace delivery service was one of my top games of 2020

[edit] apparently this is US and canada only, sorry!!! but europeans might have gotten an email sent with this same info.

Wow - I played my switch way more than I thought!


I only got a Switch about a year ago, haven‘t been feeling it really. Moon is the only game I’ve played since April pretty much. No games have really grabbed me.

pretty cool to have ninja saviors in your top games though!

@exodus#11752 Haha yeah, awesome game and the Switch version is excellent.


I love how theres this huge spike in hours in April that coincides with the release of animal crossing and the covid shutdown in my area.


What is up my fellow “Core Gamers”??



The kids play a lot of _Mario Party_ because it's 4-player and the metaphors and mechanics are easy enough for my 6-year-olds. The other games let you know that I'm an "Old Gamer".


@exodus#11739 Anybody else being given the strong impression they should stop buying so many games on switch!? ha ha.

I played 2/3rds of _The Messenger_ on Switch and it is way way too long and I'm very surprised it didn't beat out _Shiren 5_ which only came out like, two weeks ago.

The _Virtua Racing_ call out is a funny story about a weird time in my life/career. The first week of lockdown, I got noticed for a layoff for totally COVID-independent slow-motion train wreck of a business decision kind of situation. I had been applying for other jobs internally and one night just was in a weird mental space (go figure) and was up until nearly 2 AM playing _Virtua Racing_. The next morning, I sign on at 8 AM to do more job hunting and a prospective manager had set up a full day of interviews starting at 8:30. Honestly, being a little tired may have mellowed me out a bit. And by the end of the week, I got my current job. Thanks Sega!

@Jtwo#11767 _Sonic Mania_ rules, so by extension, you rule.


@exodus#11739 Share your year in review stats if you want!

This forum is freaking me out tonight because this is about the third thread someone has beaten me to creating!

Wow! More than I though. Looks like it would have been a lot more if two Dragon Quest games had come out on the Switch like last year

I've recently started playing Ring Fit Adventure for about half an hour every day so if you see that on my Most Played list next December you'll know I stuck with it!

So how does Nintendo know that I’m a ““Core Gamer” anyway?

I'm a Nintendo!

Which is interesting because only one of my top 5 games is a Nintendo game, but I think I played more Odyssey than everything else combined. I find it very endearing and Nintendo-esque that the “Share” button downloads a .jpg, instead of opening a social media menu.

The haters continue to deny that I am a core gamer and will say it's photoshopped


I also played FFVII this year, way more than IX, not sure why that didn't make it on there

Something I‘ve noticed is that for everyone whose hours are over 200, animal crossing was their number one. That’s true of folks I've seen off the forum as well. Verrrrry interesting

I‘m a “Nintendo Fan”.

Shout outs to Dragon Marked For Death and for making it in for both years.

The SNES online app is likely 60% mario picross, 40% Breath of Fire/Super Metroid/LoZ: Link to the Past.

I’m kind of surprised Astral Chain is there as I didnt play too much of it.

On my switch Picross S is still the game with second longest amount of playtime with 210h, (the most being Splatoon with 840h, yikes!).

@beets#11814 When I was playing overwatch I was embarrassed at one point to see I had 450 hours….

on Tracer. My total hours were a real real lot.

I like classic Doom.

The “Approximately” qualifier cracks me up.

@tomjonjon#11819 I really love Gungeon

@tapevulture#11822 Gungeon made my 2019 list but not 2020.