PSA: Xbox 360 console store closing next year

I had a problem with trying to buy things with my Xbox 360 a couple years ago and it required me to log into my Microsoft account online and update my physical address which was set to a previous place I lived. I’m pretty sure updating it through the 360 itself wasn’t enough. (I remember needing tech support to figure it out.)
Maybe you can update your payment settings on But the store is definitely buggy, so I will wish you luck and hope you can find a way to make it work!


I know I waited until the last minute but I picked up a 360 at a yard sale the other week, finally plugged it in and it works! But no matter what I do it won’t connect to the internet, not even though Ethernet :/ I looked up a bunch of help threads and everything but no dice so far. How do you guys all do it?


I got a wireless dongle at some point, myself!

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Turns out I just had to publicly announce I was having trouble cuz one of the next recommendations was about how if you don’t have an Xbox account, you need one to be able to connect to the internet. I wish it had said that instead of just “failed to connect to internet, please check your router” over and over, but hey, I got it! Thanks ^^


let’s see some more weird recommendations folks!
think i grabbed most of what i’d had in mind for ages now

can this be played without kinect?

I wish, this game controls like shit and all I wanna do is play it


And after playing it recently, I don’t think there is anything in it worth seeing even if it was playable without Kinect :(


Great time to pickup Capcom fighters. There’s lots on sale, but these are exclusive to the platform and too cool not to own for a buck or two:


Some things I’ve found:

Crystal Defenders! (delisted almost everywhere else, I think? It’s a final fantasy tower defense game that I enjoy. I actually kept my ipod touch so I could still play this and the other one they did.)
Project Sylpheed mission pack (not sure if that’s available elsewhere)
Bubble bobble neo (about to be lost forever I think?)
Rainbow islands (ditto but I didn’t buy it because it’s kind of ugly)
Amy (not amazing but by the flashback fella and not anywhere else I don’t think)
Bullet witch dlc (that’s on steam I think)
Nier dlc (probably on steam too)
Ridge racer 6 dlc. Lots of free cars! Like 15 of them. I’m also getting some of the music tracks, why not.

Also many folks are talking about call of duty classic. I haven’t gotten it since it’s not cheap but I am curious whether others think it’s worth it.


Some interesting recommendations


Other weird games with dlc:
Otomedius excellent (lots of characters, maybe too many)
Guilty Gear 2 (costume, new map)
Anarchy reins (Bayonetta, new game mode but that’s online only)
Fallout New Vegas (maybe this is on steam too)
Metal gear Revengeance (vr missions)
Chronicles of Riddick (commentary mode)
Beautiful katamari (lots of different katamari objectives to buy)


I wound up with the exact right amount of money left over after buying some ridge racer 6 tracks.

It was fate!!


guess we’re in the final hours now, maybe?

grabbed a few recommendations here, then realized id not grabbed sega rally before it was discontinued ages ago - i found a new in box 360 racing wheel near the garbage of my old apartment complex years back, which now basically exists just for outrun online

anyway, saw another use for said wheel, found an ebay seller in germany who’s dumping keys for $5, and got it going! good times

just double checking any non delisted XBLA games i’d enjoyed the demos on back then. crazy that sega & others don’t seem to be dropping prices for the last push, tecmo ignoring it all together seems pretty on brand tho

I got tons of stuff in my collection. I’m willing to declare my digital 360 collection COMPLETE ENOUGH.

I didn’t look too deeply into it, but are the Bejewled games available on other platforms as paid games and NOT free-to-play/full-of-microtransactions versions? Because I got Bejewled 2 and 3 just to make sure I maintain the ability to play classic Bejewled! (I refuse to become an expert on the match three genre)

dumping keys for sega rally? I would be interested in one of those

here you go man!

i had to make a fake address in germany real quick, but seller got me the key within under a half hour of the sale. not sure when they’re sleeping or when the codes stop working, but maybe worth a shot!

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I gave it a shot but it looks like I just missed the window and the store has closed! dang

I think I read somewhere codes are supposed to work even after the shutdown so maybe there’s still hope!

There’s ambiguous language in the microsoft FAQ - it says codes “may” not work anymore, and I guess this one just doesn’t. The error I got when trying to use it on was one I’ve not seen before, so I suspect I’m out of luck (and the store isn’t available from the 360 at all now.

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you have to redeem it on console, it doesn’t work on the website! I had to go to account settings and then redeem code yesterday, so try that if you can?

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