there‘s something happening in my brain where I can (sometimes) identify a psp game just by looking at it even if it’s cropped
Super late response to this post, but how are the aftermarket PSP shells these days? I've got a beat up yard sale one laying around I picked up for a couple bucks a few years back, have been thinking about giving it a new shell and all. Had a really horrendous experience with aftermarket DSi shells but those are quite a bit more complicated with the clamshell and all.
@“donrumata”#p113468 they‘re a bit complex and sometimes brittle, but other than that fairly easy depending on what you’re trying to reshell. no soldering or crazy ribbon cable stuff or anything.
I just picked up a PSP for my son at a used game shop. I sold mine back in 2007, probably for a PS3. Coincidentally, his first game was also my first, Locoroco.
Bought a used PSP 3000 from Japan that has a 2GB memory stick which still has three different versions of Project DIVA on it, two complete albums of Vocaloid tunes, and a ton of PS3 save files. haha
@“treefroggy”#p120256 Bought a used PSP 3000 from Japan
I should probably do this. I've never tried using a proxy service but AliExpress has a bunch of refurbished ones. Options for buying local in NZ are limited.
@“hellomrkearns”#p120455 I‘m going next month and could probably pick one up for you - shipping won’t be cheap of course!
@“exodus”#p120456 Appreciate it, but I think I might have got lucky and found one locally…fingers crossed!
I’ve really been revisiting this thread a lot in the wake of that PS5 Wii U announcement. I’ve been poking at Armored Core 3 Portable a bit and am currently watching the tracking information for a brand new, pre-owned PSP 1000 to join my Go and 3000.
In spirit with the beginnings of the thread, I’ve been reading old magazine coverage of PSP and there’s a lot of great imagery out there. I’ll drop some of my favorite finds soon.
@“dracula”#p120474 PS5 Wii U announcement??? Whaa?
Yup, @joyousfrog is correct. Since the rumors of that thing started swirling a few months back I‘ve been mildly intrigued at what it might look like and I imagined everything but this. It’s practical and fits the PS5 ecosystem but it just made me miss the dedicated portable line even more.
@“dracula”#p121322 Oh that. I don‘t really understand it at all. It’s a portable console that you can only play in your house? And remote play is already a thing? ??? ???
@“Andy B”#p121327 exactly. I have a Backbone controller and I’ve used it for streaming with my phone. I’m not sure, unless this thing actually does have some Wii U magic that keeps the connectivity flawless, why this would be necessary outside of a phone but maybe I’m not the right audience.
The K-On game for PSP has a very cute style, and I love how you can play the song with each member. Very good aesthetic, too.
[this is a banger](
I recently began bringing a PSP with me in my daily bag. Mostly been playing racing games - Outrun 2006, Wipeout Pure and Burnout Revenge. Such a wonderful system. I almost prefer the 1000 model over the 2000 unit. The 1000 has a nice weight to it as well as having a great UMD mechanism, but the screen on the 2000 is much better. Need to get one of them hacked to really start exploring the library. I also would like to load up some mp3 tracks on there for the true PSP multimedia experience.
@“tomjonjon”#p125316 you gotta get those ridge racers too!!
the PSP is cool - I think I mentioned this on the podcast but the last time I went to japan I forgot to bring a game playing device so I bought a pink PSP and a few games and had a heck of a time rolling around on the train and such.
I picked up a 1000 recently and it‘s become my main PSP over the other models. I’m almost solely playing Ridge Racer.
I agree with the weight to this one over the later units. It just feels intentional. I love the incidental grips you gain from the back covers.
It was nice to see the Noclip Game History Archive drop the E3 2006 Sony conference today. I just watched this earlier this year but it's nice to revisit it in higher resolution.