PSP Aesthetic Appreciation Thread

my friend sent me an image from a camper van video where dude has a psp mounted to the windshield

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PSPGO in 480i through component on a CRT. PSP games are windowed but PS1 is full screen

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@“Syzygy”#p81451 Ha ha no worries. Plenty has changed in the threads. Always good to have multiple data points. THAT SAID my next mission it to watch more anime from a PSP on a CRT. I have the S-Video cables so I am curious to see how low res I can get.

@“robinhoodie”#p81447 what is that ps1 game? my brain wants me to believe it‘s micro maniacs but i’m not even close to sure

@“rootfifthoctave”#p81489 Slap Happy Riddim Bustazz

I downloaded an almost complete save of WORK TIME FUN.

How did I ever think that I was going to switch to the playstation version of Groove Jikouku V? I have so much nostalgia for this game and I'm remembering that my buddies and I used it to the fullest in 9th grade.

The trinket collection is full of stuff I had no idea what it was supposed to be, but now 15 years later I do. Like the kinkeshi figures labeled as “erasers”

Stuff I found especially useful and interesting in a pre-iphone world was the unlockable tools.
I did use the ramen timer, bill splitter, and HANDY LIGHT was especially useful and foreshadowed the things we'd use our phones for in the future. King of the Castle tool was fun for obnoxious teens on a friday night amped up on barq's root beer.

The way they localized AC/Dshe is cute.

The save I got still has about 20% of the trinkets missing, maybe I'll make an attempt to complete the collection.


I've consolidated all my PSP games and media to a 64gb micro sd card now
here's what's on my PSP now, and most of my PSP backlog:

  • - Innocent Life, I am not going to play this to completion, but the game's opening is very well directed especially for a Bokujou Monogatari game, quite surprising. So I was reeled in, after wanting to try the game for a long time. It's also relevant to my interests because my father is developing his own AI to grow food in anyone's yard.
  • - Boku no Natsuyasumi 4, I prefer the rural settings from earlier games, but this is a PSP exclusive so I'll hang onto it for when I'm stranded and need some comforting peace.
  • - Brandish Dark Revenant, iykyk
  • - Echoi Night the First Voyage, iykyk2
  • - GTA Chinatown Wars, may be the game that finally gets me into GTA again? I'm in the opening chapter, good stuff.
  • - Digivice Ver.Portable
  • - Every Extend Extra
  • - Brave Story
  • - The KH stuff
  • - FF Type 0
  • - MGS Portable Ops
  • - MGS Peace Walker (busted, already 100%'d this game years ago)
  • - King's Field Additional I + II
  • - Final Fantasy Dissidia, always addicted to this since day 1
  • - Metal Gear Acid, should play this someday
  • - Ridge Racer 2
  • - Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3
  • - CMFile Manager, good to have, paired with a memory stick to micro SD adapter, turns my PSP into a smart device or laptop capable of file operations on most micro SD cards, I've used it to back up saves from flash carts, making it a sort of epic cross-platform save management tool!
  • - all Pop'n Music, DJ Max games
  • - Jeanne d'Arc
  • - Grand Knights History
  • - Digimon Adventure? maybe.
  • - Nayuta no Kiseki? Also maybe
  • - Pangya, because I played this back in 2006 when it came out because I am a maplestory head
  • - WipEout Pure
  • there's more that are in series where I'm not up to that game yet so I haven't thought twice about it, a la "KH stuff", anything else that's missing I probably already busted through long ago.

    I may also try some of the Yakuza games. What are some other good SEGA games for PSP?



    Brandish Dark Revenant, iykyk

  • * nods once *
  • Been playing the Black Rock Shooter game and yeah that’s peak PSP grafix, a joy to look at

    @treefroggy super curious to hear your Innocent Life thoughts. I actually had a lot of fun with Hero of Leaf Valley, it’s not the best one but I found it really nice still. If Innocent Life is cool then that’s some good HM times on PSP. Boy/Girl isn’t a great port but it’s classic in its own way.

    @“sabertoothalex”#p82433 Yeah, Boy/Girl is a port of what became a slightly more refined Mineral Town GBA duology.

    Save the homeland at least took an even worse version of harvest moon that had the audacity to call itself bokujou monogatari 3 and made it more acceptable.

    I may not get to second life any time soon, but you can bet I usually write about whatever I'm playing on IC.

    I need to give Black Rock Shooter a Shot!

    GPD Win 4 has entered the chat

    @“treefroggy”#p81389 I think Every Extend was in the forums 1.0 when it still had that pseudo cel shaded look and was a freeware PC game.[upl-image-preview url=]

    This is my favourite PSP game, but you have to overclock your system to 333mhz for it to run smoothly. It's a really remarkable port, though. When it was still contemporary I reverse imported this to Japan for a friend, such was the legend of this game.

    [upl-image-preview url=]


    @“treefroggy”#p81833 WipEout Pure

    This game is the original reason why I bought an import PSP-1000 when it came out. I love wipeout and had to play it. I would sit on the train commuting to/from work playing this, and would try to pretend to not notice high school students trying to catch a peek over my shoulder or whatever and whispering to each other _"holy shit that's like a playstation but in his hands"_.


    @“treefroggy”#p81833 Metal Gear Acid, should play this someday

    You really should! Acid and Acid 2 are quirky and fun, and I feel like too many people wrote them off at the time for all the imaginable dumb reasons.

    Played Tenchu Shinobi Taisen tonight after finishing Tenchu Shinobi Gaisen on the PS1 last night.

    This game has a worse draw distance than the PS1 games and the frame rate halves if you look at the sky. To combat these problems, there are almost no buildings to grapple on to; you are surrounded by huge walls or cliffs or are in a mine. This stops the player from a) seeing too much and b) having an enjoyable ninja experience by seeing where enemies are or what the level looks like.

    I don't want to be too harsh on them though. I once had to help get a 360 Harry Potter game on to the Wii and we cut most levels in half and reduced the enemy types present per chunk from 5 down to 1. So I get that suddenly K2 found themselves putting a PS2 engine on to the PSP and Things Had To Be Done.

    When you're in the groove, it approximates classic Tenchu but the lack of verticality is such a bummer. It does make concessions by drawing the map over the gameplay and marking item pick ups on it. You can kind of get through it.

    Here are some Tenchu Shinobi Taisen PSP Aesthetics. I really like the Japanese logo designs for the Tenchu games and in the PS2 and PSP Tenchus, Ayame has this really fluid panther-like stealth crouch walk cycle that looks great.


    The only time I‘ve seen or played with a irl PSP was while hanging out with the high school audio techs during AV class or school assemblies. They would always talk about local indie bands to check out, so I assume that’s the general vibe.

    I love the PSP! it's like a nut that you can play with outside!

    I’ve been watching some anime over the last several months and I’m realizing that the PSP is to the generation of anime from the mid-2010’s what the Wonderswan was to the generation of anime from the mid-2000’s (in that it makes multiple significant appearances in a bunch of different shows).

    @“Karasu”#p110728 There is something magical about seeing game hardware you recognize in an anime. Shout out to the Sega Saturn in Evangelion.