Questions about Discourse and its functions

No horizontal scrolling at all Slink? It just locks onto the pages properly and only vertical scrolling?

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Well, on my iOS device (using mobile safari) it is back to normal again

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Oh no, new regression:

Topics are now showing the avatar of the last poster, rather than original author

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Not a regression, it’s the default behaviour of topics without the plug in that was activated, which was causing the issue in the first place.

There’s a default theme update coming which should sort all this out - right now I’m still trying to find something which will work with both the current and new theme that’ll keep it as it was. I think the ability to see topics read and correct positioning is preferable to the a avatar showing who posted last but hopefully can get both sorted

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No horizontal scrolling of any other noticeable issues.

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I’ve added a plug in which shows the original poster, but it’s mobile only. It doesn’t effect anything else so the mobile side is working as intended now - now scrolling issues, original poster showing, read topics not highlighted.

Still working on desktop issue, there’s some bits out there but need to test them a bit more before I commit.

Test reply, please ignore

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An update for the recent technical issues appearing on the forum:

  • Topics appearing as unread (text is still marked in bold and white, not grey) on all mobile devices - any OS/Browser combination seems to have the same behaviour. FIXED - this was due to a plug in used to only show the first poster on a topic. Plug in disabled and issue resolved.
  • All pages are not appearing as the correct size on some mobile devices, and a scroll bar is appearing horizontally - this appears to be exclusive to OS/all browsers only
    FIXED - the same plug in as above, when disabled resolved the layout issue.
  • Connection issues when using 5G (this seems to be a a very small user count, so maybe nothing can be done but want it noted in case there’s something out there to fix it)
    Ongoing - I haven’t found anything regarding this specific issue and have tried to replicate it without any luck but am keeping an eye on it to see if it appears more often.

A change to the forum based on the fixes applied above:

  • Desktop shows up to five avatars against a topic.
    As the first poster plug in was causing a problem and was disabled, the forum now
    works with its default behaviour, showing avatars for users from left to right, who created (avatar 1), most frequent (2,3,4) and last posted (5) in the topic.

    This may change with updates to the standard theme, but until this happens or I am able to dedicate some time to building a new theme using another template and the colour scheme we will have to continue as is.
    An official plug in for mobile was added and has reverted that back to the original poster only appearing

I like that the threads show their leaderboards in the index now. Until I got used to only seeing the thread author I missed seeing who the latest reply was from on the old Flarum layout and this is like a weird alternative that gives me vaguer information about the thread’s overall vibe.


Hi all,

Following on from the recent update to the desktop/mobile layout and avatar issues, there has been an update to the plug in that should allow it to be usable again on the theme we have. This means it’ll revert back to the original poster only avatar both on mobile and desktop.

However as the issue for scrolling only appears on iOS devices, is there anyone out there who has an iOS device and is able to set up a time to run a few tests please? Ideally outside of the peak hours of the forum - from around 01,00 PST to 04,00 PST - so it causes minimal disruption.

If anyone is available, please drop me a message and I’ll sort out a time and provide a list of how I need it to be tested to make sure it fully works on mobile devices.


Edit - have someone who volunteered so will run the test and update when completed.



I’ve applied the plug in and have confirmation it works fine on iOS devices with both safari and firefox - the horizontal scrolling bar has disappeared and you still see a single original poster avatar on the left. On desktop it now appears to a single avatar of the original poster on the right.

If anyone sees any problems please let me know.


Hey all! Sorry, I’m on mobile and don’t really know where to ask support questions anymore, but I figured this might be a Discourse function thing? Maybe??

Anyway, I can’t seem to log in on desktop? I didn’t log out, just one day I clicked the tab and it was prompting me to log in, but it says every password is wrong. When I tried the other option, it told me to insert a USB key.

If your browser security settings are very high them maybe it can’t login because of some combination of javascript/cookies/etc.

As for the USB thing that will probably happen if you click to try and sign in with passkey and don’t have that properly setup on your computer. Passkey is a way to sign in to websites without needing a password

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Where the thread participants removed from the index’s forums list or is there somewhere I need to toggle them that I’m not seeing? I don’t even really remember what got them to show for me in the first place. One day I had the forums open in two tabs and they both displayed differently even with a refresh.

How do you mean exactly? Is if the change back to a single avatar next to a topic? If so that’s the fix that got it back to how it was before. If not, when you had two pages how did it look, was one with the avatar on the left and one on the right, or both on the right and one with a single, one with multiple?

I mean there’s a column to the right with just the threads’ authors’ avatars instead of five avatars. This is on desktop btw.

Yes that’s exactly how it should be. We’ve reverted back to the single OP for each topic as it was before the plug in broke and caused all the issues with mobile devices. Now it’s working again it’s across the board on both mobile and desktop.

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Resetting my password worked, weirdly?

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There is no way to hide or mute a thread, is there? There’s a few that I’m not interested in but they’re rather active so they keep popping up

Scroll to the end of the topic(s) you’re looking to mute, click on the bell and change notifications to “muted”. That’ll hide 'em!