Rain Jerks

Stupid stuff we've come up with:

-Calling any iteration of Playstation console the Psss 2, 3, 4 etc.

-Sushi Man (Ghost of Tsushima)

-My wife has the humor of a 12 year old boy so any game that has 3 syllables and ends in "a" or "er" becomes "Big Boner". Ex: Big Boner 5 (Persona 5), Big Boner USA (Daytona USA). I told her that if she's going to subject me to potty humor, she's only allowed to call one game Big Boner. Her response was to sing the Daytona theme with the words Big Boner as loud as she could.


@“hellomrkearns”#p36572 I hardly know her!

@“hellomrkearns”#p36572 Knuckles’ Chow Ticks

Do-sex machine A


@“milo”#p36443 Calling any iteration of Playstation console the Psss 2, 3, 4 etc.


Hit Mango

Pièce tu

@“billy”#p36654 Pee? Yes, Pee.

@“kory”#p36655 Pee? Yes, pee. Go!

@“billy”#p36717 Pee? Yes, pee. Street!

Field Programmable Gatorade

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/YbhAdOP.jpeg]

Monster Hunter Eyes

Monster Hunterize

[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/AZ3AuX0.png]

So glad this file is pre-damage

Pope Yes


Nobody said ‘Eggs Box’ yet?


@“milo”#p36443 -My wife has the humor of a 12 year old boy so any game that has 3 syllables and ends in “a” or “er” becomes “Big Boner”. Ex: Big Boner 5 (Persona 5), Big Boner USA (Daytona USA). I told her that if she’s going to subject me to potty humor, she’s only allowed to call one game Big Boner. Her response was to sing the Daytona theme with the words Big Boner as loud as she could.

Wow how did I miss this? I'm sure you agree wholeheartedly but your wife is extremely funny



[upl-image-preview url=https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1170060/capsule_616x353.jpg?t=1615922156]

Boomer Ranks

(has anyone played this yet? I hear it might be cool)

Personal highlight from Episode 26:

"War Inspector" (Runners up: Warrin' Specter, War and Specter)