A Slim Jim will absolutely send an English guy “to hospital”. Their culture has not prepared them to be able withstand “Tear[ing] into the Spiiiiiiiiice!”
I’m not so sure. I think most Mike Leigh characters could go toe to toe with a classic american slob
the guy from Naked acted that way because he ate a couple hostess pudding pies
the driving instructor in Happy-Go-Lucky definitely housing multiple Famous Bowls daily
what a great movie btw
Man I’m not too far from you guys in Ontario and sometimes when I eat a Slim Jim I wonder if it’s going to make me go cardiac. I feel like Slim Jims are about 10% meat and 90% nondescript mass.
I’m back. If you’re non-American or were just not born in time to see Macho Man Randy Savage selling you a Slim Jim, you missed out.
The whole video is amazing, but it gets really nutty only 39 seconds in.
I absolutely remember this commercial. It was aimed at ADHD kids like me but I didn’t have a slim jim until is was 30 or so because I grew up kosher.
my family was so fucked that cheez-wiz on a slim Jim was on the healthier side of after school snacks
I envied people like you as a kid. My family was also ultra health nut centered. No chocolate or sugar but honey sweetened carob. This was before health food actually tasted good.
thats living mas
I’m not advocating for Snapping/Tearing into Slim Jims or The Spice. I’m saying you should probably check with your doctor before you do to see if you’re healthy enough to consume “nondescript mass”. And if you are healthy enough, you probably shouldn’t because it will certainly leave you worse off!
I am advocating for more silly commercials and crashing into or out of things.
see that commercial would have freaked me out if I had seen it, everyone needs to calm down a bit, just sell me the product using a calm neutral tone or at best a funny intonation like this
Slim Jims are awful.
well suffice to say your health and habits are undoubtedly better off now, though i do have to admit my tastes grant me a certain credibility with “the common man”
She told me that her dad was loaded
I said in that case I’ll have a Slim Jim with some cheeze wiz on it
I laughed
Everybody hates a tourist
i think about “ART THOU BORED???” on a semi-regular basis
My mom to this day still has dessert with every dinner, like a daily ice cream level treat. That’s been by far the hardest thing to overcome for me nutritionally. I’m in my 30s and I still feel like I need a brownie after eating a bowl of pasta
I can’t quite understand just what this feeling is
But that’s OK cuz we’re all sorted out for Cheez and Wiz