Shigesato Itoi 1950-2022

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yeso, I'm very disappointed in you… You missed the perfect opportunity to make this joke about the famous person whose actual death was made public today, Mikhail Gorbachev

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I feel attacked, LOL jk

Don’t get me started

If anything I‘m more inclined to bump Shigesato Itoi’s No. 1 Bass Fishing up the ol' backlog now.

to anyone who does not approve of this marketing technique: guess what Itoi-san was born in 1948, you all should have known that

edit ok maybe the photoshop was too far

@“yeso”#p83422 you‘re good by me!

here we go!:

I haven’t idolized the man since I was a teen. Even if your story was true, I‘d be alright. He’s not making games anymore anyway. It was much more of a shock to me when Iwata died while still standing as President of Nintendo, I still have tears thinking about it.

I think that harshing on the man for his other businesses /gravytrains is adding insult to injury–respect the hustle– I think that he did great at not bastardizing the Mother series, ending with 3 & making no more. making very, very little merchandise until 20-30 years later is tasteful. Gotta remember he was originally an advertisement writer… For Miyazaki films, no less, but, producing tomato juice and other ventures should be of more benefit to society.

I personally don't care to buy a yearly techo, but I use a techo cover and put generic A6 gridpaper notebooks that cost $12 in it. At least the techo could be a quality of life improvement for many people, compared to little keychains and stuff.

did you not for a moment think this thread could possibly become Itoi general discussion? hahaha

Whoa!! I did not know about his hobonichi techo—“almost daily planner”? I might get one for next year as a change of pace from my mainstay (but that's some gooood paper, take it from me. 100% highest recommendation).

the thread is about buying Pathologic 2, not those notebooks

the only exception is if you bought the notebook so you could record the date you bought _Pathologic 2_ and maybe put a nice little sticker there if thats your stylw

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Why thanks @yeso for creating this thread dedicated to all things Shigesato Itoi! So how do you feel about his recent involvement in the local politics of Kanda-Nishikicho’s development? I feel like the rise of recent building complexes has somewhat denatured a previously communal feeling so close to Jimbochō but at the same time I guess this economic growth in part sprung by Hobonichi’s own new Kanda office has also allowed for many local restaurants and shops to survive a tough couple of COVID years. Anyway it’s a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one to finally have a place to discuss such things.

don’t try to trick me

You know I really enjoyed one of the video games this guy was involved with, maybe I should use one of these planner things

The cool bit about the planner is that it‘s practically the only of Itoi’s personal writings that have been translated officially to english. (there are daily quotes from various people)

Looks like you've been hoisted by your own petard here, yeso

edit removed the photoshop again

but those notebooks are for gentrifiers


@“yeso”#p83683 but those notebooks are for gentrifiers

this week on fixer uppers
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I got one a few years ago as a gift for myself, because for the past 10 years I have been jealous of the Stationary Girl I knew in high school who always had fancy notebooks, fancy pens, used like 5 different colors of highlighters for all her notes and drew little pigs in the page margins. I write a lot, but normally it‘s just in $2 notebooks I get from the Walgreens next to my house. There is no love in my writing – just the utilitarian act of putting words and/or sketches onto the page. I thought the hobonichi notebook might change me, but it was too luxurious, and I’m too sordid a human being. Every entry I wrote I felt like I was doing something horrible to it. I forced myself to use it most days, because I was ashamed of how much I spent on it and I didn't want to waste it, but by the end I was just keeping notes of what I read and watched in it, and all my other writing went back into the $2 notebooks.

It was such a weirdly embarrassing experience. I mean, it's not like it particularly matters what one writes in their fancy notebook. Most embarrassing experiences in my life involve some other person witnessing my shame, but in this case not a single person knew I even had a fancy notebook! This is my first time telling anyone about it. Of course we all know what was really going on: I let Mr. Itoi down! All the love he put into his super expensive notebooks was wasted in my hands. He is yet another name on the long list of old Japanese men I have disappointed.

@“saddleblasters”#p83687 as always, your post is beautiful and a gorgeous pleasure to read for many reasons,

but this:


the long list of old Japanese men I have disappointed

this needs to be its own thread.