Shigesato Itoi 1950-2022

someone help me out, is gorbachev really dead or is a different game on sale? i‘d check myself but i don’t have internet right now.

@“saddleblasters”#p83687 this is to a less dramatic extent my experience with a moleskine sketchbook I never filled.

:warning:Important Kanda Neighborhood update for those of you who live near Ogawamachi in Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan. The alive clone of Itoi Shigesato born in 1948 will attend a town hall-style discussion about the future of Kanda for a mere 2000¥/attendee. That’s on the Tuesday of TGS week in case you happen to be visiting that week.:warning:

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dear hobonichi techo diary, today the scary homeless man who lives in the park told me my new apartment building used to be something called an “SRO”. I wonder what that could be, and also how he'll survive the winter

There‘s a broken crack pipe in my alleyway that no one has cleaned up yet and I’d have done it myself but our push broom got stolen.

crack pipe update: I think the rain finally washed it away into the gutter between us and the neighbour's house lol


@“saddleblasters”#p83687 He is yet another name on the long list of old Japanese men I have disappointed.

listen, I know you’re a youngster so I’ll give you some advice: you can’t leave statements like this out in the open on an Internet forum

I'm gonna do a rare thing and say this pushes the limits of good taste for me

hope everyone is having a good day. god bless the ring.

not here to make friends, here to move units (of Pathologic 2). Sorry I don't have a MBA

@“tapevulture”#p83762 [upl-image-preview url=]

Still haven‘t purchased a notebook (don’t know what I‘d do with it), but the reusable bags, man. They’re great. They even have a little pouch if you want to store receipts or whatever. Still haven't found anyone at the grocery store who recognizes Earthbound yet.

@“connrrr”#p83696 the hobonichi techos really are quite luxurious, a lot more than moleskines imo. so who knows what levels of drama might await you if you acquire one

Dishonored 2, Evil Within 2 and Pathologic (yes, also 2) for 16€ is a pretty good deal here:

that's a hell of a bargain

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@“saddleblasters”#p83772 the thing i really want from a notebook is for it to be a wad of cheap trash so i won‘t feel like i’m ruining it with my stupid chickenscratch.

If you think that little of your output then it might help to take the next step and think of your notebook as toilet paper.

@“connrrr”#p83945 it‘s not about my output, it’s about my admiration of a finely crafted book.

@“pasquinelli”#p83948 you called your writing “stupid chickenscratch.” Be nicer to yourself, friend, or at least own it with pride.

@“connrrr”#p83952 most things aren‘t very good, most ideas are half-thoughts, most sketches aren’t what you‘re after. it’s not a bad thing, it's just a fact. a notebook is to catch something good it you happen to find it.

if your notebook isn't mostly stupid chickenscratch then you aren't taking enough shots to catch the big fish.