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[New island DLC]( has dropped in Japan this week.

125 Super Famicom TV commercials, ordered “chronologically” (or at least according to the games’ release dates) from 1990 to 1998. It’s always interesting to witness ① the evolution of cartridge sizes and retail prices on the system, and ② the passing trends in both games marketing and pop culture: the residual focus on celebrity endorsement from the Famicom era, the stylistic influence of the iconic Street Fighter II TVCM, the sudden arrival of remakes of Famicom games, the J.League boom, evolving fashion trends of 90s youth culture, the celebrit…ifying? of game creators in the mid90s, the introduction of CGI in commercials etc.

The French postal service will introduce Goldorak (i.e. Grendizer) stamps in October. Illustration by Ochi Kazuhiro, of Cosmic Fantasy fame.

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Once again thinking about the opening of Harvest Moon DS where:

  • 1. You attempt to kill the mayor
  • 2. The mayor makes a meta reference to another HM game
  • 3. You can choose to let your dog maul him, causing the credits to roll

    Stir Fry Sauce Info

    Cheese info

    shouts out to queso Oaxaca

    big factor when i'm deciding which cheese to get: how stretchy is it?

    [upl-image-preview url=//]

    gonna copy @“rejj”#455 and say:

    Phyllo info

    and about the cheese talk, when we were kids, my and my brother would eat like a pound or more of queso oaxaca in one sitting everytime my parents bought some


    I'd only seen part one of these, but I just watched part six, and now I feel compelled to go out and buy vol 100, even though I haven't read One Piece since... vol 20ish? Thanks for sharing this.

    screenshots of good google earth textures because google earth is secretly my favorite game [upl-image-preview url=//]

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    @“穴”#p42262 Guy who has only ever seen Eva 3.0+1.0 (me): “Getting very Eva 3.0+1.0 vibes from these google earth textures”

    Grill info

    @“穴”#p42262 I cannot recall if I have already posted this somewhere on IC or not previously, but if you enjoy those pictures you may also like the photos in this twitter thread:

    .. or indeed any of the imagery on [the site referenced,](
    [upl-image-preview url=""]

    @“穴”#580 @“rejj”#455

    All this talk of cooking cheese and phyllo has me hankering for some burek

    @“whatsarobot”#p16581 i'm several months late, but the deedee sketches are really great, especially if you like a thick, rich, buttery scottish accent.


    @“pasquinelli”#p42395 whatsarobot i’m several months late, but the deedee sketches are really great, especially if you like a thick, rich, buttery scottish accent.