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@GigaSlime#16571 There‘s so much to say about this man, who does not have a problem, and is just trying to eat his fish! I went through a variety of emotions watching this. First, it’s funny, then it‘s deeply unsettling, and eventually it’s surprisingly relatable. What I'd really like to know is, what were the creative decisions that led to this skit? What steps were taken to arrive here?

The YouTube description says: "I saw this in the early 80's, and I am trying to find the creator of this great skit. If you know this person, please let me know!" This adds a whole layer of intrigue.

@yeso#16574 Man, I remember this! It must be the most iconic 33-on-33 bullying in sports history, right?

Patrick Ewing was my first-ever favourite basketball player, but I've got to hand it to Scottie Pippen on this occasion, because the early-90s Knicks deserved this.

Shea Serrano showing up later in this video was a very pleasant surprise! Love that guy.

@Gaagaagiins#16578 That‘s really good. I’ve got to watch me more of this Limmy Show.

Love the way he says "feathers," too. "Feh-thuls."



Seriously that was the most bizarre, funniest thing I've seen in a while. I wanted to stop watching but couldnt. Dude just wanted to eat his fish.


@milo#16582 @whatsarobot lol a friend of mine in college showed it to me. My vague understanding was that someone just happened upon it on a public access station somewhere. I hope the mystery is never solved

@milo#16582 Aw, who's this little buddy? I wonder what cats think about vegetables.


This is my roommate's cat Kumo. He likes to sit at the dinner table with us and have conversations (meow loudly when the rest of us are talking). He feels many different ways about food.

Like this pizza.

Here he is playing board games with us.

@milo#16585 Kumo seems like a cool guy, and I can definitely relate to feeling different ways about food.

You're lucky to have a feline member of your crew!

@milo#16585 Aw look at the little man!

picture of gackt

@tapevulture#16589 As Tim Rogers might say, “That god darn guy.”

Just between you and me, every once in a while, I'll see a picture of Gackt and for a split-second, my brain will go, "Who's that pretty lady...? Oh. It's Gackt."

But then also, I saw a video once where he was streaming some online FPS game, and he seemed weirdly fetishistic about guns. I really strongly dislike guns.

So, basically, I just don't know how to feel about Gackt.

@milo How do you think Kumo feels about Gackt?

@whatsarobot#16590 any idea what's up with his face shield in this photo??


He's more into the Malice Mizer stuff. :wink:

@tapevulture#16594 Yeah, so this photo was probably taken sometime earlier on in the pandemic. Back then, when it looked like Japan had everything under control, these masks were proposed as an alternative to the traditional surgical mask style usually worn. Mainly, it was used for people in public-facing roles, like restaurant service staff. But also, guests on Japanese variety shows wore them a lot, to show solidarity with everyone else in the country wearing masks, while still having their face be visible.

They were mocked and denounced pretty quickly for being almost completely ineffective, but you do still see them sometimes. I saw a guy wearing one just two or three days ago, in fact.

@milo Kumo is a cat of taste.

@yeso#16541 ohgoodlord!

here's something

@hellomrkearns#16599 Well, I've heard worse!

Imagine showing this to someone who'd never heard any of the original songs and trying to pass it off as anything other than a mashup.

God, I miss mashups.


@milo#16585 This is my roommate’s cat Kumo

Kumo is amazing.


@whatsarobot#16601 God, I miss mashups.

@rejj#16602 Hot in Herre VS Regulate? Versus? Oh DJ Hero, it's not a fight when everyone wins.

More on mashups, I have loved this one since I first came across it pretty much right after it came out.

I like Meshuggah, and I spent a lot of time around 2009 and 2010 writing music streaming software, and one of the songs I used for testing was Paparazzi. If I recall correctly from the original creator's notes when this mashup was first published, there was no pitch shifting required on either side of this mashup, it just works.