Is there another post for good music we‘ve made? Or at least music we hope is good? Anyway I like your song a lot. It feels somehow spooky and happy and retro.
I‘ll share my naked baby photos, why not. This is some music I wrote over a decade ago. I still dig the composition, but it’s just basic synthesized instruments playing back the sheet music so it sounds a little dinky.
Thanks so much! This thread inspired to me to start this one:
If there's anyone who wants to get a little feedback group going with creative prompts, let me know. I've done something like that before and it was greatly beneficial. There might be enough people here to do something similar.
Oh wow, this is the first time I‘ve mentioned this anywhere online in maybe a decade but here’s my self-indulgent psych-prog-folk-rock album I made back in 2011. So, uh… enjoy I guess.
(I honestly still like at least a few of these songs in the abstract, although the production ranges from rough to outright bad)
Here's some terrible music I made! Made these a few years ago tinkering around with
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this is one of the first songs I ever thought worthy of posting on soundcloud, way back when I first started with ableton. The mixing and production are horrible but I kinda still like the overall melody. I should go back and redo this one someday.
@“AlecS”#p130043 WOW a whole-ass album? You put a lotta heart into this, great job. I can hear promise in a lot of the tunes I skimmed through - I wonder how it woulda sounded with better production. NICE
Available everywhere, but here is the Spotify link. I have only been playing music for a year. I’ve done everything, from taking the photograph for the album cover, to filming the looping background. This was also the first song I had ever done in one take, and exactly how I had heard it in my head. It is supposed to be sullen, and a bit dragging: