@“whatsarobot”#p140518 @“MoH”#p140526 Thanks for playing!
This is rad as heck.
Those spike jumps on that last level are a doozy. I'll have a perfect run going all the way up to there and then the deaths just keep on coming.
This is the best I could do.
@“Toph”#p140556 Yeah, maybe made those a little too hard, lol. But if you do manage to get a flawless victory, there's a special “congrats” screen!
inspired by the messianic @saddleblasters, i made a website for my writing.
my goal was to create the feeling of reading a word doc of your computer, and i think i got pretty close! i probably did it in a janky manual way, but it works. i even took the time to optimize it for mobile.
so i'm proud of the form. the content is a different question.
@“MoH”#p140784 The design is really nice! I think you changed the pallet since I first saw it? I'm excited to read some of these this weekend!
@“saddleblasters”#p140821 oh, i looked again, and i think this was just my phone under different lighting conditions… it looked beige when i originally saw it, then bright white, and now beige again…
@“saddleblasters”#p140829 I’m going brave new directions in neutral palette designs
World's smallest Dracula Flow
If anyone wants a Really Good minimalist website design idea, you could change the background color by some barely perceptible amount based on the time day. give your readers the sinking feeling something happened to your website, without letting them put their finger on precisely what. it only takes one line of javascript! maybe it's even possible to do it in pure css
@“saddleblasters”#p140840 my friend does something similar with their website and it looks like a fairly simple javascript execution
I just exhibited a series of paintings of fantastical landscapes and immediately set about making a weird little game as a continuation of the project. Here's the first level playable in browser.
@“JXUA”#p141497 love the painting! Game looks rad!
@“JXUA”#p141497 this is really cool
@“JXUA”#p141497 I genuinely love that painting. I'll give the game a try too.
We‘re coming up on the end of the month-long PiCoSteveMo Stephen King-themed PICO-8 game jam and there’s already some amazing submissions. One of them is my second (or third, depending on who‘s counting!) game Think Buick, loosely based on my vague recollection of reading From a Buick 8 several years ago. The development was a bit haphazard, with mechanics being added, removed, tweaked, etc. until the literal last minute, but I’m overall pretty proud of it!
This is more alluding to a thing I am making, but I cannot believe I have made 2 hours worth of anything!
I‘m too cheap to buy pouches for my portables so I make pouches by gluing together foam sheets, felts, and magnets lol. Definitely not sturdy, protective, nor element proof but it’s something…
Here is my Game of the Year 2023 video. It is a 28 second long piss take that I artificially lengthened and made a proper thumbnail for. A quiet New Year’s resolution I made last year was to be happy without being obligated to justify it, which I feel is what long form video editorials have become; court defenses of pieces of media we enjoy.
@“HyggeState”#p146529 I understand where this is coming from but also I like knowing what games people enjoyed!
@“exodus”#p146531 I’ll do the long con and have a 3 hour one in a year.