Was searching for a thread to post this video on but then I realized we don’t have a video game water thread.
I’m still not sure there’s video game water that is as impressive as Wave Race Blue Storm’s was back in 2001! Even looking at clips of it now it still looks incredible to me. It’s just-- I don’t know, the best watery water in games?
One area of Talos Principle II had some nice looking water[1]:
taken from Show me your game photography ↩︎
Wave Rally (PS2, 2001, Opus Corp)
Here’s how they did it (set your browser text encoding to Shift-JIS Japanese if the text looks funky)
This game looks so familiar and the name is right on the tip of my tongue… What is it??
Dark Cloud!
Big fan of PSX water. Loved crane diving off the Great Wall in Tomb Raider II during my countless replays of that level on the Pizza Hut demo disc.
(mostly interested to see if/how that previews here)