tactical forum action
I’m playing through the metal gear series in whole, and I thought it’d be fun to have a dedicated blog-like space for it.
Currently playing: hiatus! either Portable Ops or MGS4 are next!
Metal Gear Solid 1 (Switch) - beat: June 14, ‘24
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (Steam Deck) - beat: June 17, ‘24
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Switch) - beat: June 24, '24
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Switch) - beat: July 15, '24
The Plan
I’m going to play through the Solid series in release order.
Then I’ll circle back to the OG Metal Gears, the remakes, the non-cannon games, etc.
Maybe I’ll move onto other Kojima games after. But focus, focus!
I’m not entirely new to Metal Gear Solid. I played 4 when it came out on PS3, and I didn’t understand any of the references or story but very much enjoyed it. I also played a little bit of Peace Walker on PSP. And started The Phantom Pain on PS3 when it released and got about 6 missions in. I’m awful at finishing video games. This changes now!
I have read through the plot summary on a wiki before years ago. I don’t remember much!
The time for Metal Gear is now! (Well, actually, inspired by nothing other than getting the Master collection for Switch on sale for $20.)
spoilers unmarked! I’ll be talking openly about what happens but please don’t spoil games I haven’t played yet
Please feel free to engage, support, and respond as you see fit!