[size=15]THANKS[/size] We‘re retooling our venerable forum games and making them count. Rules follow, please don’t feel like you need to read them. We‘ll be playing one of our long-running (or new, if you have an idea you’d like to try) forum games, but this time the Stakes Are High: winners will be awarded a [color=red]PRIZE[/color].
**[size=18]GETTING STARTED (SHORT VERSION):[/size]**
Don't be put off by all the rules below, they're more for reference and transparency. If you'd like to play, jump in at ANY TIME by doing one of the following:
[color=deepskyblue]ASK A QUESTION[/color]
and in certain circumstances, a PLAYER may use a **[color=magenta]LIMIT BREAK[/color]**
Read on for more information about other ACTIONS, rules, and format.
**[size=18]HOW** **TO** **JOIN** **A** **GAME:[/size]**
Players may join any game, in any round, at any time simply by posting one of the ACTIONS listed above. It is to your benefit to play often and consistently, as entering the GAME in the first ROUND will provide you with an initial GUESS worth 3 POINTS, and your LIMIT BREAK will build with each round you participate.
**[size=18]PLAYER ACTIONS:[/size]**
[color=green]GUESS[/color] = the player guesses the game. First GUESSes by STARTERS are worth 3 points, all other GUESSes are worth 1. Note - GUESS resets the **[color=magenta]LIMIT BREAK[/color]**
[color=deepskyblue]ASK A QUESTION[/color] = the player asks a reasonable question about the game. These are answered at the GM's discretion
[color=orangered]DEFEND[/color] = the player names another player they would like to defend. A defended player may take any action, but if they guess correctly, they will have 1/2 a point subtracted from their score and awarded to the defending player. If the guess is incorrect, the defending player suffers a 1/2 point penalty
[color=purple]FEINT[/color] = the player makes a positive assertion about the game, such as: "this is a PC Engine Game" or, "this is a roguelike." If the assertion is correct, the player receives 1/4 point. If they are wrong, they must sit out the next round. A negative assertion, like "this game wasn't developed by Kojima Productions" will be disregarded.
[color=gray]SKIP[/color] = a null turn, but builds **[color=magenta]LIMIT BREAK[/color]**
**[color=magenta]LIMIT BREAK[/color]** = the player can take 3 consecutive ACTIONS of their choice. For example: DEFEND/GUESS/GUESS, or FEINT/FEINT/GUESS. Players build towards their **[color=magenta]LIMIT BREAK[/color]** by playing consecutive ROUNDS without guessing. The GM posts **[color=magenta]LIMIT BREAK[/color]** status at the beginning of each ROUND.
A MATCH consists of eleven (11) GAMES, which in turn consist of an indefinite number of ROUNDS
Each GAME begins with a metaphorical JUMP BALL at [u]2:00PM Central / 9:00PM GMT / 5:00AM Japan Standard[/u]
A GAME consists of ROUNDS. Each ROUND consists of the length of time it takes all active players to take an action, or the elapsing of a twelve (12) hour window. After this window closes, players who do not respond forfeit their action for that round and their **[color=magenta]LIMIT BREAK[/color]** depletes.
GAMES continue until a PLAYER submits the correct GUESS.
In the event of a TIE, all tied PLAYERS will play one sudden death ROUND to determine the winner
**[size=18]STARTERS AND BENCH PLAYERS :[/size]**
All players who are active in the first ROUND are considered STARTERS
Players are welcome to enter the game in any ROUND and are considered BENCH PLAYERS. STARTERS begin each GAME with a 3 POINT SHOT, and BENCH PLAYERS do not.
First GUESS 3 pointer sniper kill shot = 3 POINTS*
Correct answer = 1 POINT
STEAL = 0.5 POINTS (only awarded if defending prior to a correct guess)
The PLAYER with the most POINTS accrued over all 11 GAMES is the MATCH WINNER and will receive a [color=gold]VICTORY[/color][color=red] PRIZE[/color]
In the event of a scoring tie after 11 GAMES, a three (3) GAME tie-beaker will ensue. Any subsequent tie will be decided by a single tie-breaker GAME.
**SPECIAL TIE-BREAKER RULE** - During tie-breaker games, the GAME-MASTER will refrain from answering all QUESTIONS until the ROUND ends either by completion of all PLAYER ACTION or time limit.
MATCH winners become the new GAME-MASTER (unless you don't have time, then PM @"yeso"#385)
[color=red]PRIZES[/color] are randomly selected and INSERT CREDIT APPROPRIATE.
**[size=18]GAME-MASTER** **RESPONSIBILITIES:[/size]**
Post prompts for and manage all GAMES and all ROUNDS within your MATCH
Choose which QUESTION(S) to respond to. The GAME-MASTER can decide which questions to answer, but **must answer at least one question per round if posed.**
Choose the HOME COURT ADVANTAGE (pick the start time for your Match, certain times will be more advantageous for certain time zones/regions than others.)
If you win a MATCH, but don't have the bandwith to GAME-MASTER, or you run out of time mid-MATCH, PM @"yeso"#385
It is GAME-MASTER's DISCRETION to answer questions and provide hints. No rules, maybe you're the chill type, or maybe you're persnickity.
**[size=15]*>NOTE ON A CHAMPIONS LEAGUE[/size]**
-To encourage players to participate throughout the course of MATCHES, even when mathematically eliminated from VICTORY, I will be tracking career POINTS for all PLAYERS. At some point (depending on interest) I will organize a CHAMPIONS LEAGUE competition, including a PLAY-IN system for lower-scoring PLAYERS.
So, even if you can't win a MATCH, keep trying to put POINTS on the dang board!
*Note on shipping costs: I'll cover it, but if you want to help out, send a few bucks to one of the FOLLOWING CHARITIES. If you live in a far-flung locale, don't sweat it we'll figure it out
**additional note: we'll adjust rules and structure as we go