Wildly Different Box Art

@“wickedcestus”#p69674 even better when you know they changed it for different consoles:

Famicom - FC Genjin: Freakthoropus Computerus

GameBoy - GB Genjin

Breaking the rules of the thread to show not wildly different art, but the same art, but where the game in question has two ridiculously different titles





Was Canis Canem Edit really the right marketing move for the UK and Australia?

@“captain”#p133364 There was huge backlash against the name Bully which led bored PTA to be convinced the game would be an apology of bullying at school in the same way GTA famously brainwashed an entire generation of kids to steal cars and commit petty crimes.

Marketing note:
Pls remove that feminine goth boy he’s confusingly hot
(Photoshop a stock shot of [Mont Saint-Michel](https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/80) instead.)


Marketing note:
I don’t get it, are you playing as a windwmill?




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A few fantasy offerings.

Death Bringer, AKA Galdregon’s Domain.

(Maybe NSFW)

Eye of the Beholder

Gemstone Warrior