A thread in which to introduce oneself

Hello I'm tulpa online and memorioustulpa on twitter.

I mostly work on tabletop rpgs but I'm also involved in too many podcasts

I also dragged myself from sb to join in the friendly sb/ic rivalry.

Hi hi,

My name is Jasper and making games/playing retro games is also kind of my thing. Currently a games student (donā€˜t know if thatā€™s something to be proud of) and I listened a lot to the IC podcast in my formative years.

Nice to meet you all!


I am boojiboy7 basically everywhere (except reddit, where somehow someone else has that name and this bothers me somewhat and I have no idea how). I was boojiboy7 on the old IC, before that impoded, and have stayed that everywhere else. Anyhow, I am actually Chris Pinner. I've never made much of a vidyuh game, but I sure talk about them a lot on [Hinge Problems](http://www.hingeproblems.com), a podcast I host with Rudie.

I have a really boring job as a techincal writer for document management software, oh boy.

@formulasofsexuation#128 I canā€˜t figure out how to DM on this here forum, so hereā€™s a link to my Nocturne presentation, which could definitely use some more work but I haven't worked on at all since I presented it 4 years ago: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hojnwcgk845qxsl/jdm%20nocturne%20presentation.zip?dl=0

I am very interested in finding out who among you I already know under different names from Twitter or Selectbutton (hi, SB, it's ā€œa new duckā€) or itch or whatever. If these forums continue, these will be exciting discoveries for years to come.

@jdm0079#280 there is no way! we picked this software because it's feature lite. less to maintain, and can run with less resources.

@shane#282 Makes sense! Glad to know I'm not incompetent in this capacity.

DMs cause me anxiety whenever I see them and it makes me not want to log back onto a forum, knowing they're sitting there, waiting for me to acknowledge them.

Would be neat to be able to put a couple brief things like pronouns in one's bio, though.

hey what's up im dicegame (he/him)

i make games @wonkware

hey i'm billy, i play guitar and think too hard about videogames.


Don here. Seizya/Seija for some of you. I've wondered for years what happened to Insert Credit, and well, Brackt (Brandon/Exodus for those that don't know) gave the answer. He's great for reviving the site. I actually stumbled over here from The Madman's Cafe, and I figured that I should reuse the same icon. (Anyone remember that site?) These days, I'm strictly on Twitter for social media, though I'll post on MMC once in a while. If you're wondering, no, that's not an animu girl. That's Miyuki from "Tokimemo II", though my favorite girl of the game's actually Hikari, and my favorite girl of the series is Shiori.

I've been gaming since I was six, getting the "Mario"/"Duck Hunt" NES set as my first system. Regarding what my favorite game is, I have way too many. I split time between San Jose and Milpitas. I hope you all enjoy this updated version of IC as much as I enjoyed making this revived post. Have a great time posting here everyone.

@azure#291 yeah, some bio specifics might be good! we'll look into it!

Hello I am Jtwo. I like PUBG and VR and Sega Genesis.

@azure#291 you can now write a bio. just type what you want and press enter. you might need to refresh your page for it to show up [upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/r6GvDcL.png]

Hey, James? or jquestionmark here (he/him). I lurked on the old insertcredit back in the day an it had a huge impact on how I look at games and the industry around it. I dabble in game development as a hobby (right now Iā€˜m working on learning 68k assembly and putting things on the Genesis), but my proper job is writing SQL to make warehouses work.

Iā€™ve been working on becoming a decent speedrunner on a few games (mostly older stuff no one else cares about, but I sure love it), and I'm hoping to put something together that other humans can play on a computer some day in the not too distant future.

I'm super excited to interact with all the cool folks on here, there's already some awesome threads up that I'm carving out time to read and get into the conversation.

make a thread to share your speedruns! I only care about games people don't care about.

@exodus#319 Will do! Itā€˜s mostly a handful of Game Gear games, and Iā€™m starting to branch into Saturn as well, so I have a feeling it'll be your jam.

heck yeah, I very specifically like those two platforms

@Seizya#301 Yeah, I originally found my way to IC through MMCafe and a review of KoF2000 DC that Brandon posted over there. Was more an elevated lurker than active poster, though.