Having a very normal morning on this very normal day.

When I think of old person candy, I immediately think of these


cabury eggs suck so much. in addition to the present arguments it’s also got an awful filling : chocolate ratio.

on that note, i think the miniature resees cups are the only variety that have the correct pbc ratio.


I’ve literally had a conversation about pbc ratio

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a lot of people seem to think that the holiday shapes are the best variety but you lose out on the rigidity and structure of the more traditional cups

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I laughed so dementedly when I saw these in a store in London a couple years ago



These were one of my favorite old people candies as a kid. I think a single box lasted weeks since they were so difficult to chew.

Just now found out they were discontinued last year : (


these would wreck my teeth and didn’t even taste that good


Absolutely, you’re really just working for the joy of sticking it to that self-important dentist


They’re good - remind me of being a kid and getting them in selection boxes at Christmas. Not as chewy as you may think so easier to eat than other kinds of caramel

They are fantastic and deserve to be at the very top! Again, very seasonal type thing for Easter but you can get them all year round now. Unwrap some of it, take a small bite, then work down gradually unwrapping as you go. It’s not a classy process but it’s not supposed to be.

Personally I put the Wispa bar at the top of all chocolate lists from the UK. It’s the one thing I do miss the most from the sweet world there, and while I can get them here I really don’t. Cadbury started to use palm oil in almost all its chocolate and not only do I hate the taste of it but the whole process behind its cultivation as well. But whenever I go there I have at least one piece of chocolate, thinking I’ll like it and I don’t.

Goodbye childhood!



When I was a kid my elderly neighbor always had a bowl of these in his den. I’d play Nigel Mansell’s World Championship Racing with his grandson and between us we’d demolish that bowl.


The greatest

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These candy takes are far more iconoclastic than any video game tales ever shared on the insert credit forums. I’m consistently in shock as I read through this


My parents ran a gas station and we had a taxi driver as a regular customer who - for health reasons - couldn’t easily get out of his taxi to order and pay so whenever he drove up to the gas pump 6 year old me would come out, take his order, fill him up on fuel, get his stuff from the store and bring him back the change. And he always tipped me with a handful of Werther’s Original. Sometimes even with a bit of coin if I got lucky.

The sight and taste of Werther’s always trigger this super vivid memory, weird!


:point_up: gourmet cookie snob


tbh every cadbury I’ve tried has been terrible imo. That said, ingesting hersheys, reeces, etc makes me feel like death so it’s not like we’re any better. Maybe palm oil is the explanation…


I found US chocolate to taste bitter and even more artifical than Cadbury. I think there’s a bit of nostalgia in it for us both, remembering what it used to taste like. I think the amount of palm oil is a factor. Nutella tastes worse than it did and they’ve upped the palm oil percentage.

Very rarely eat chocolate now, but whenever we’re passing this place https://maison-caffet.com/ I’ll pick up an assortment box. Or three. I love chocolate!

Love em with all of my heart. I will say that I don’t chew them, I just treat them like a hard candy and let them melt in my mouth.
Honestly, there’s been a lot of my favorites mentioned in here: Bit-O-Honey, Mary Jane, Horehounds…
Anyone else love mallo cups?
I’d say they’re objectively trash food and I could eat 50 right now


Surprised no one has mentioned the ultimate old British person candy: licorice allsorts.

I’ve recently gone full old-man mode and been getting way into those and tonic water.


@Gaagaagiins just to close the loop on this one, Mr. .exe played a halfling rogue. He liked it.