A monthly event in where the ever-growing Insert Credit community can come together and create art based on a rotating topic! First created and hosted by @"SuperEffective"#337, now taken over by me. Everyone is welcome to participate and create whatever they consider art. Every possible medium and art discipline is welcomed here. Go wild! Show us your hidden or not so hidden talents!
Here's the original premise @"SuperEffective"#337 wrote:
This is not necessarily a contest, but more like a weeklymonthly art challenge/show-and-tell. The plan is to introduce a new prompt every Sundaythe first day of each month to make a piece of art to. To participate, you can simply post anything from a drawing, sculpture, crochet, animation, writing, a sick beat, heck, why not even a cake! You can post whenever you’re finished, and I’m sure none will mind if you’re a bit late as this thread is all in good fun. Heck, if you’re loving the prompt, post more than one! Send any suggestions you think would be fun to do in the next week, if you have any fun ideas!
Last month's art jam turned out great, thanks to everyone that participated! I chose this month's topic after discovering that the suggestions @"SuperEffective"#337 took for the original Art Jams were public, so I chose one I really liked from there. Also, thanks to the people that suggested topics in [the new art jam suggestion form](https://forms.gle/MhGUDxTHE8ANbxpE7), there's already some great ones in there. Feel free to suggest more prompts!
There were two related topics that I really liked among the original suggestions. I decided to choose the more open-ended of these as the prompt for this month and have the other one be a sub-prompt in case anyone wants something more specific but still related to the main prompt. Also, the sub-prompt lends itself almost exclusively to visual art, so that's why I don't think it works as a main prompt,
With all of that out of the way. this month's prompt(s) is:
[size=100][color=Hotpink] _Delicious_[/color][/size]
[size=20][color=salmon] _Sub-prompt: Video game characters enjoying their favourite food_[/color][/size]
I really like this prompt, can't wait to see what y'all come up with<3
You can read a more detailed introduction of the Art Jams 2.0 and see the amazing stuff y'all came up based on the previous prompt on the thread(s) linked below: