let's discuss CRT TV ownership

@“treefroggy”#p123935 This is how it should be

@“rejj”#p122979 Hey here is another run of Outrun 2 on 13" Sony on composite.


@“KennyL”#p123974 aww yeah

also, I'm curious about whatever is happening on that 2nd screen in the top right of the frame. whatever that screensaver is (?) looks pretty neat!

@“rejj”#p123996 Oh that's this video


I played it on my plasma tv on the back to kill image retention heh heh.


Can anyone suggest an HDMI-> component adapter on aliexpress? Yknow, for casual fun, putting any sort of content from my pc or hd console onto a crt? I have bought many in the past, always loan them out or whatever.

@“treefroggy”#p124278 I‘ve been using this one for a while now on our main ’tv watching‘ tv and it’s been pretty good., but looks like it's not available anymore:


@“hellomrkearns”#p124304 thanks ill look for something similar. Some of my favorite content creators recently started publishing YouTube content in 4:3 and I want to put it on my crt.

@“treefroggy”#p124309 I‘ve been using it for an old Samsung plasma that came attached to our house. Some other adapters I’ve tried didn't always play nice when trying to downscale certain HDMI signals.

@“treefroggy”#p124278 the one i used was from the zon (i know i know) but it was “SUNNATCH” brand and it worked fine! used it til i just caved and got an analog io board for the mister. i also tried it w/ a fire stick a couple of times (…i know…… i know) to watch anime and honestly that looked 100 times better than the mister did thru it. i had bought a different one before without realizing it only stepped down to 480p so it wouldn‘t work on my crt, so be careful w that! i can send u a link if you want, it’s a .ca link tho - you can prob find the equivalent on .com or even on AE

I was able to get my son's RetroPie (model 3B) to output decent NTSC 240p with automatic 480i switching over composite with this script.

Just had to plug in the 3.5mm composite/audio cable (used an Xbox 360 E one) and ran these scripts:
`git clone https://github.com/Sakitoshi/retropie-crt-tvout.git
rsync -av retropie-crt-tvout/to_bios/ RetroPie/BIOS/
rsync -av retropie-crt-tvout/to_configs/ /opt/retropie/configs/ `

Additional info here: https://www.blakehartshorn.com/240p-crt-gaming-on-a-raspberry-pi/

These will update the startup scripts to switch resolutions and the change config files with custom aspect ratios and shaders. One thing to note is that the Genesis shader he made was too much for my Pi, but setting it to a simpler option he provided made it work nice and smooth. The quality is not as good as a MiSTer, but I'll take the brightness, motion clarity and a few odd pixels over an LCD any day.

I've been wanting to make a video about this for a while and the CRT sealed the deal. Enjoy!

This makes me so happy I can give my son a CRT to play with retro games. If you have a RetroPie and don't want to invest in a MiSTer just yet this is a great way to make the games look the way they were originally intended.

Here's some bonus footage I made to compare the MiSTer to the RetroPie:

Anime streamed from a shared drive to XBMC on an OG Xbox played on a CRT via component just hits right. Glad I figured out how to do so 20 years after the fact.



Found a guy on Craigslist giving away an absolutely gorgeous KV-27FV17 for free. It‘s on the ground now because I have literally one place to put it and I’m trying to cheaply obtain a piece of furniture of those exact dimensions that is made of actual wood and will not immediately crumble to dust under its impressive girth.


Hooked the MiSTer up to it through the active composite adapter, plain composite going into the little Magnavox and S-Video into the Trinitron

@“GigaSlime”#p125149 But which version of mega man 8 are you playing, PSX or Saturn!?

@“exodus”#p125202 lol PSX! I don‘t own a Saturn and the MiSTer core still isn’t finished


I'm a big fan of "sitting on the floor" gaming, so I have my PVM set up on a low bedside stand or something and I use a bean bag floor cushion and sit cross legged. I too have back issues and that's a fairly comfy solution, so long as I get up and stretch every once in a while, which I guess we should all be doing anyway.

But I just did a google search for "ottoman with back rest" and there's some pretty cozy looking results! Maybe that might be something to look into?

@“robinhoodie”#p124685 I've done this on wii too! good stuff


cheers once again to Mega Man 8 content in the CRT thread

@“GigaSlime”#p125208 Ahhh I forgot the core wasn‘t finished! Well, you’ll have something to look forward to later - a version of this game that has like 5 graphical differences that matter only to me!!!

anyway a funny thing about Big CRT Ownership is I'm looking less and less unhinged (more hinged!) for keeping this 150 lb oak entertainment center I got from my dad's house