let's discuss CRT TV ownership

@“treefroggy”#p125296 I know it will sound insane, but my idea was that if I could figure out the network drive. I could have multiple Xboxes or say Pi's dial into the same router and pull all kinds of old content for play on a CRT. Of course this would be inside some like, large house with a CRT in every room… a reality I will never live in… but some how keep dreaming of.

@“robinhoodie”#p125361 I live in this reality, minus the CRT in EVERY room (just my office with a 480p VGA to 480i S-Video transcoder). I setup a Raspberry Pi Nas with open media vault on a Pi 4 and it‘s very nice to use. It has Samba to manage files via Windows and UPnP/DLNA service to Read Only stream to any device on your network that can play media with apps like Kodi (e.g. XBMC) or VLC. I mostly use Fire Sticks to stream to all the TVs in my house with VLC (plus phones and tablets). It’s also nice to share files with Samba between multiple Windows PCs without having to copy anything via USB.

I was using my router's media sharing and it was terrible compared to the Pi 4. It's much more reliable and fast. Need to try out my Wii's media player with it, but I'm sure it'll work great.

@“copySave”#p125364 Oh yes. This is very much what I like to see. Probably the most sensible way really. Ha ha! I feel like I have no desire to return to my life circa the early 2000's but I sure do want to see how far I can push the limits of the technology of that era.

@“robinhoodie”#p125367 A lot of my stuff is old VHS and DVD rips so they look right at home on a CRT. I thought about using Plex, but I didn't want a third party scanning my stuff and trying to setup a library. Just being able to pick the files like they are right on your system is great for us circa 2000s Combined Community Codec Pack and Media Player Classic anime watchers - lol

Glad these little adapters/downscalers work exactly how I remember them to.

I would like to figure out a way to crop/zoom in the picture though.

On my JVC of course the ASPECT key corrects the aspect ratio, underscan draws the image slightly smaller. I may have to manually adjust. I want to fill more of the screen and cut off the sides for a near/pseudo 4:3

the current setup; a little messy but functional. i hope to get a MiSTer and/or a psone with an ode eventually to fill out the collection!

@“homso”#p125411 milk crates are the ultimate in frugality. how does it feel knowing your setup is better put together than some IKEA setups and yours is completely recycled. Nice rare yellow crate too. My games all lived in milk crates for years, from 2009-2015. My mother 3 deluxe box still has diagonal cube markings on one side from living in a milk crate lol. Cheers to those poor crates straining under a 70lb TV set. Did you zip tie them together? :laughing:

I once had a living situation where a dude built his entire bedroom, loft and all, out of milk crates. We had a steady supply, to say the least.

It took them all the way until ACNH Happy Home Island DLC to finally add milk crates to animal crossing, afaik. I went absolutely HAM using them in my shantytown.

@“homso”#p125411 watch that Majora cart doesn‘t fall out of the crate and shatter. Those gold plastics become especially brittle over time (Ocarina doesn’t have the same problem since it came in a painted shell).

@“treefroggy”#p125419 it’s feels a tad precarious but it’s shockingly stable atop the tower of crates. i just recently moved so this is far from a permanent setup. i’m on the hunt for a more elegant tv stand but the milk crates will do for the time being!

@“connrrr”#p125420 i had no idea the gold carts were more fragile. it seems structurally sound at the moment but i’ll keep that in mind

@“homso”#p125411 I believe you that this is stable but this pic is giving me extreme anxiety lololol :cold_face::hot_face::sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

Wow @“connrrr”#502 , this explains why I‘ve seen chipped Majora’s Mask carts so often. i wouldn‘t expect it, but it makes sense. That “gold” plastic is kind of jank. It’s like made out of melted down Bionicles.

@"KennyL"#p125435 familiarize yourself with the structural integrity of a milk crate. They can move mountains.
Though the slippery slidey outcome of a downward force is also not to be underestimated. Tie them suckazz together!!
As an added bonus, milk crates provide excellent air flow for cooling btw.

@“treefroggy”#p125459 I believe you! But I don't trust plastics…… They either go 3rd impact goo or get sharded eventually….

This is absolutely stuff that your average poor working class individual, thrifty frugal king/queen, probably already knows. It‘s good to know what these parts are. I’ve mentioned recycling centers before in this thread. This video reminded me I still kind of want a degaussing wire.


Finally got around to making a VGA to Amiga monitor RGB cable to use with my MiSTer. Thankfully DB9 cables are still able to be purchased cheap. Got one that I could easily hook up to a VGA connector with screw terminals (I had to do a lot of guessing for the pinout). It does use csync btw. Photo shows it's 15khz RGB.


Looks amazing for a monitor from 1985 (I may never use it to keep it alive...)

some more pics

only fitting...

@“homso”#p125411 love the misled youth vhs on top

@“homso”#p125411 i was in a store today that sells materials handling and storage supplies and stifled a laugh when i saw the sign announcing CLEARANCE MILK CRATES $20

@“goonbag”#p125930 yeah, just get them from behind the grocery store where they keep the dirt bags

i had the great pleasure today of finally cracking open a crt i‘d rescued from its roadside grave last week. i took a chance on it despite the fact its power cord had been cut off. i soldered on a new cord and replaced a dead fuse. voila! a working late-model tv with component inputs! not sure what i’m gonna do with it, but that's hardly the point, is it? must be so many sets trashed over the years over a tiny blown fuse… :sob:

@“goonbag”#p126039 that’s awesome dude you prevented like 60 lbs of waste, plus fossil fuels used to transport that waste to the waste factory