Really cool prison tech transparent CRT available for a song if you happen to live near Marion, IL (I keep facebook to look at weird stuff for sale in various places, this one‘s near my home town). It’s RF only, but pair that with a white OG PC Engine and you could have a nice corner setup for around $100
shoot. that is very far from where I live but it sure is neat.
Hmm… I wanna see it irl first, but it‘s finally happening, and I’d consider finally selling my CRT if this looks good to me:
@“treefroggy”#p126303 the importance of this technology is pretty overlooked i think, in large part because it is the domain of relatively cashed-up retro game obsessives. but in terms of game preservation and future-proofing the experience of playing old games, time will come when digitally replicated CRT presentation will be seen as equally important as cycle-accurate FPGA cores etc.
@“tokucowboy”#p126075 one of these appeared on my local fb marketplace a couple of months ago but it was green and the shade of green would have looked too weird on my room. in retrospective I think I should have bought it lol
@“goonbag”#p126437 hopefully I could get a good price for my crt that would cover the cost of such a device lol
@“goonbag”#p126437 @“treefroggy”#449 the CRT aesthetic is one thing, but the two most important aspects of old TVs to me are perfect motion clarity and 0ms input latency. Motion clarity was destroyed by LCDs for 2D games for the last 20 years but 240hz monitors should be an OK alternative (gets a bit pricey for HDR OLED monitors though to get that phosphor effect). Only other option for motion clarity is the also dead Plasma TV market for their 500hz refresh rate, but then you usually have increased input latency with those, plus risk of burn in and potential size and weight issues.
A compromise must be made, but since people literally throw good 20-30 year old CRTs in the trash, it's better for the here and now to adopt one than spend possibly $1000 on what a consumer CRT can get you for free or less than $100 (and as @"treefroggy"#p126044 said reduce the landfills). It's good to keep pushing companies to make higher refresh rate sets and monitors though as I agree that it will be the only way to free the future from CRTs. Once 480hz is more common, combined with Mike Chi's amazing Retrotink products, I think that's when the bridge will be crossed.
I've got an LG C1 OLED with 120hz BFI and HDR and it still lags behind in all areas for retro games compared to using an RF only CRT I saved from the trash.
@“copySave”#p126459 good bit of perspective and facts there. If I got a retro rink 4k I would definitely have to shell out another 1400 for a top tier OLED, but I’d also have more space in my van for a nice big one!…
But it’s wise to make do with what you’ve already got!! With the way things go, give it 5 years and there will be cheap alternatives to rtink4k!!
Speaking of cheap alternatives: I’m going on my first real aliexpress spree, browsing all day and exploring what all is on there… it’s a lot
@“穴”#p126441 whoa, I‘ve not seen a clear green one. A lot of that stuff is just colorless translucent for use in prisons, so the electronics themselves can be pretty cheaply made, but I’d have jumped on a clear green one so quick (but, yeah, you'd have to have a pretty specific decor to pull it off)
@“tokucowboy”#p126488 (but, yeah, you’d have to have a pretty specific decor to pull it off)
that's something that no one wants to admit!
SEGA & CRT on a boat!!! he just like me fr!
zey don't want to geu into ze sea any more
I liked the old 480i scan converter I found so I looked for a newer one and found this.
Pretty satisfied with it since it can do 1280x960 and has a good OSD for adjusting the picture. Does not feel laggy either. It is S-Video and the box also does composite. Here's some Shredder's Revenge I recorded to demo it.
I missed out on a chance to get a JV TM-H150CG and I‘m hating myself for it. Now I’m scouring the web like some crack addict looking for the next hit of that good scanline.
Found a TM-H1375SU but that's in the States and I'm in Australia. The real answer to my problem is to take it easy on tv hunting though.
@“copySave”#p126854 HDMI to VGA out to S-video? I am torn about Component not being on the table as I made a big effort to have all component sets, but a good OSD could make the difference.
@“robinhoodie”#p126867 If you want component you might want to go the extra mile and consider building a GBS Control. This is a hardware mod that uses an Ardiuno WiFi module to transform a GBS 8200 board into to a 240p downscaler with component outputs and uses a web interface (plus you can use it with modern displays like a RetroTink):
Another more recent build vid from Voultar:
Here is MLiG doing a bunch of 240p tests with a GB-C AIO that you can't really get anymore (again just build one). They look good but most of the games should have been in 480i to keep the detail, especially 3D games and anything with high-res art like Cup Head. Also this video is 2 years old so I'm guessing the software bugs like vertical tearing have been worked out.
You can also buy some [Chinese made ones off of eBay]( and AliExpress for about $80, but building your own should cost less than $50 and you'll know what software is on it.
I've been wanting to make one since I got some component sets, but I wanted to demo a simple cheap scan converter you can get right now for those that only have S-Video/composite/RF sets. The S-Video and composite at 480i does look really good, but I understand why the beast hungers for Component and 240p.
@“copySave”#p126889 I was just looking at the sonic one on aliexpress yesterday when someone on retrorgb discord put their AIO up for sale, thinking about gettin it!
@"MovingCastles"#p126866 hold out for a 17 or 19, sending you good JVC thoughts and prayers
edit: GBSC-AIO purchase confirmed! getting it at a reasonable price I can't refuse!
To my Portland area folks: I’m posting three 13” CRTs to Craigslist today but I’d love to give one to a fellow forum user. Shoot me a message if you want one!
this RULES. let's all count our lines as a family.
we‘ve just entered a new era. if it makes PlayStation FF backgrounds beautiful again, then it’s doing its job!!!
Was hoping to get a push in the right direction with this one. I‘m checking out some CRT specs and I’m a bit of a newbie when it comes to the various outputs.
With the below specs I was wondering if I could get away with using S-Video and avoiding composite. I'm basically weighing up whether to get the right cables or bite the bullet and attempt RGB modding. Thanks a billion!