I’d also add that fb marketplace uses some kind of evil image searching sorcery that also tries to give you want you are looking for even if the title of the listing is wrong or not specific. So searching CRT works there.
like I’ve searched “PVM” and it returns a couple of CRTs and stuff that vaguely looks like a pvm like the back of a stereo.
The TV stand I grew up with for video games had swing-out shelves like that on either side and that’s where we kept all the controllers. In hindsight it wasn’t a very good use of the extra space but it did really dazzle my friends when they came over and saw what was concealed.
Very Jealous. I picked up one of these 13" trinitrons earlier this year off of craigslist. It was for a steal. I got some weird vibes and I should have trusted my gut, because when I got it home it just didn’t have Blue. Any blue color was missing from the picture. The seller swore it looked fine to him. Dude must have been color blind. There is a TV tech in Philly that worked for Sony that may be able to fix it. someday!