Monsters: be they Capsule, Digital, in your Pocket, or down on the old Farm

@“Chopemon”#p125497 I jumped on board the Yo-Kai Watch train immediately when they brought it over to America. I distincly remember walking into a GameStop the day the first one came out in the US on the same day as whatever the new Call of Duty was that year, and I waited in a massive line that was entirely people there for CoD. The GameStop guy set out a surprise laugh when I was the one guy there for Yo-Kai Watch. I absolutely adored the game and it was way more than a Pokemon clone and felt distinctly like its own thing to me. It felt like a monster catching RPG with the beloved IC “chill hang out game” vibe. I still need to play 2 and 3, and I was like the one person who bought 3 in 2019 which is still sitting sealed and I‘m pretty sure worth like $200+ dollars now but I keep telling myself I’m gonna get to it in my backlog someday. I will forever be sad the series died out and 4 never got (and probably never will be) localized.

@“HeavenlyHalberd”#p127436 same thing happened to me on the GTA San Andreas release day. Huge queue and I was the only one queuing to buy Sly Cooper 2 (or maybe it was 3).

I haven't finished Yokai 3 yet but I think I'm going to get 4 at some point. I can't read it but I really want to explore that town on a console.



@“Chopemon”#p127464 I was the only one queuing to buy Sly Cooper 2 (or maybe it was 3)

I just want to say that you have excellent taste and the Sly games are some of my favorite 3D platformers ever and my favorite of the three PS2 3D first party mascot platformers series (Sly, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter). I love the aesthetic, characters, and vibes so much. I remember loving Thieves in Time as well and people seemed to dislike it and I'd have to revisit it but I always wished that studio got to make another game. I miss the series.

I like Yo-Kai Watch because the monster lore is a major component of the games and anime, especially the Japanese folklore, historic context as well as the Japanese setting. I sorta wish it had a no-stylus option where you don't need to constantly work the touch screen to build up power.

No publisher would release Yo-Kai Watch on the DS (hypothetically), and it's cool the franchise got a go on 3DS. It's a pity Level-5 is not releasing 4 in the West, hopefully their Mecha franchise Megaton Musashi takes off so they can reconsider releasing it.

There is now on sale a [10¼in (26cm) plushie]( of 🇯🇵ウミディグダ/🇺🇸Wiglett/🇫🇷Taupikeau, the [950th](émon)) Pocket Monster. 『_Is that a_ `monster` _in your pocket or you’re just happy to see me?_

Imakuni?! Is playing the rerelease, because it's his game that he makes appearances in!

@“treefroggy”#p128136 Hey that game is actually pretty great. I play it with zero nostalgia and did not expect to enjoy it so much as a “modern” card game.

@“◉◉maru”#p128150 haha I love it! I met imakuni irl!!

Yeah well, I rescind my positive comments because the game is cheating like cra〜zy. I am allowed to cheat and rewind to my pleasure contents to get the results I want, not the stinking CPU.

That’s funny, how did you get to meet Imakuni?? (Not the most convenient person to include in a question, I now realize.)

That song from their second Pokémon Cards-themed LP, linked to the 1998 promotional campaign, is pretty catchy. I love the many changes of pace in the song. The video clip is excellent as well. Composed by Hip Tanaka in person!

@“◉◉maru”#p128239 I beat Pokemon TCG, don‘t recall it being totally unfair or anything, you’re intended to respec your deck to your opponent's weakness most of the time though.


such a STRANGE combination!!

> OH nervous breakdown!!!

Lol I remember those quotes


@“◉◉maru”#p128239 how did you get to meet Imakuni?

Exactly how you get to meet him in Pokemon TCG GB. He was in the corner of the room fully in character at a Chip Tanaka set at a chiptunes festival in tokyo that I went to in 2017.

[URL=][IMG width=200][/IMG][/URL]
I met tanaka-san also and he signed my gameboy camera :o)

I‘m just learning that there was a 2nd Pokemon TCG that only got a Japan release. There’s a fan translation out there that I might need to check out.


@“treefroggy”#p128279 don’t recall it being totally unfair or anything

I did not say it was unfair, I said it was cheating like crazy. Everything about card pulls and coin tosses is pre-ordained and predetermined (sometimes in your favor!) pretty early in the fight. I can tell thanks to the rewind feature and save states of the NSO. It makes deck building way more important that adapting your strategy on the fly.


@“treefroggy”#p128279 Exactly how you get to meet him in Pokemon TCG GB.

Ha! Lovely anecdote.

I’m going to be a wild card and claim Ape Escape runs adjacent to this.

@“HyggeState”#p128337 Are you thinking of the monkey profiles all the games have? I haven‘t played 3 or gotten all the minigames in 1 or 2, but based on how big and fully featured those minigames are, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some kind TCG or battle kind of game using the monkeys you caught. Can someone whose 100%ed them all confirm this for me?

@“hellomrkearns”#p128295 yeah I am like halfway through it. I started playing it a few years ago


he is such a good man. let him inspire you to be the best irl character you can be.

Mochi driving a forklift

Mochi driving a forklift.

Could have been the intro to the best smash bros competitor ever made.