Nintendo Direct Thread

Yeah, I commend them for trying something different, but it doesn’t look that thrilling. I’m trying with withhold too much judgment because a more puzzle focused 2D zelda sound fantastic. I’m keeping the faith… butthe template for how to make her fighting style work is right there in the best Zelda game this generation, Cadence of Hyrule.

I hope not, I think it deserves the dignity of never being touched again.


In a similar way to Metroid Prime 3 being compared to Halo 3, I’m finding it hard not to compare Metroid 4 to Armored Core VI. It’s no surprise that it’s been in development hell for so long because it’s really hard to make this game good, they might not be able to do it.

I’m just glad smaller-scale (in my mind they don’t need to be top-down but nintendo probably thinks they do) Zelda games are going to be made. You’re right that it was obvious they would do something with that engine and I should have seen it coming. I’m personally way more interested in a whole new game than I was in the LA remake.


I have to say that my expectations were low but I was both surprised and delighted. New Zelda looks fun (thought it was a remake of Zelda 1 at first), new Mario & Luigi looks pretty good (RIP AlphaDream), Metroid Prime 4 looks tasty, and getting some newly Englishified Ace Attorney, Romancing Saga, Dragon Quest, and a nice looking Donkey Kong update are all good.

Elsewhere, I’ve wishlisted that Capcom Fighting game collection too (on Steam, heh). I was indifferent to the Spike Chunsoft tactics game until I saw that it was a tactics game - I’ll be keeping an eye on it. And I’m kind of a sucker for Mario Party - I’ll play that at some point!

I’ve barely touched my Switch over the last six months to a year but I’ll certainly pick up some of these.


that’s why I said it would be in like 50 years, but not any time soon. I’ve been saying this for a long time. The games industry is just really near-sighted, most gamers can’t imagine a world or an industry further ahead than 5-10 years.

the best part of DQ3 HD is the monster animations, wow nice. It’s gonna set the standard for HD 2D or whatever you wanna call it-- modern sprite art. The sprite art is gonna be world class.


Personally I won’t rest until we get link with Brown Sleeves, stop giving him Hylian Shield from OoT (give him brown shield again like in WW), and stop remaking Link to the Past Hyrule. But that, and the master sword, are so intrinsic to The Brand at this point, they are inseparable.


Yeah so she’s not the sword girl I was teased in TP or got a taste for in Hyrule Warriors but a puzzles-first Zelda game without a sword sounds fun, only they could have just as easily taken Link’s sword away for a whole game (don’t @ me about Crossbow Training).


I play fantasy games to swing a sword and other medieval weaponry, doesn’t matter if they’re a boy or a girl or whatever. That’s all there is to it for me. Still gonna give this one a look because the graphics and stuff are great. There’s some childhood wish fulfillment here when it comes to stuff like expanding the monster variety and lore, the return of Deku Scrubs, etc.
This could be the modern equivalent to Majora’s Mask that I’ve been waiting for my whole life. Especially if you get to transform into monsters or something.


New Marvel…. I really hope they’re not just throwing it out like the street fighter collection. There is a really big market for Marvel 2 with good online, hopefully Capcom is looking to eat the pirate market for the game.

Love the idea of playing as Zelda and will buy the game mostly based off aesthetics but not thrilled with the idea of playing an all crafting Zelda. I was never really a systems tinkerer in the TOTKs of the world. Just not for me.

I wanted dragon quest and I got dragon quest. The thing about the famicom versions for me is that I don’t get as much Toriyama as I do when they started being able to get more pixels in there, so this is exciting even if they need to turn down the fuckin bloom.

Can’t tell if the Danganronpa thing is gonna be shovelware or vanillaware.

Mostly cool! Best direct in awhile for games I’d play.


Excited that Zelda is a character without all this baggage.


I posted this elsewhere, couldn’t think of a thread. But since everyone is here, this is worth checking out.

this is further validation to how rediculous I feel it’s been that everyone clamors for switch 2 since literally the month it released.
though the rediculous part is that the hardware is perma-underclocked out the gate.
But we’ve arrived at a point where normal people don’t really need anything more powerful than this to play with video toys.

I’m late to this but shadow generations is kind of sick nasty gnar
and rpg maker WITH is dope


Fantasian and MvC Collection!!!

Also excited for Zelda’s Zelda and the DQ games.

Anyone else think the new Mario & Luigi games looks kinda ugly? It has a kind of Unity default project settings look to it. Disappointing considering how nice the older ones look.


I’m a little baffled by the new Phantom Brave game. I didn’t know anybody wanted that or even liked the original all that much.

Happy to play as Zelda. Still want a Linkle game.

Actually screamed when they revealed the DQ 1 and 2 remakes because I’m just a mark when it comes down to it.


Yeah that Phantom Brave one is kinda interesting. They ported the original to modern platforms as part of their NIS Classics series a few years ago so maybe that did really well for them?

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Is the new Zelda the first overhead 2D Zelda with a dedicated jump button? Never played the DS ones. Anyhow as the proponent of jump buttons in every single game and the person whose favorite Zelda is Alundra, the new Zelda gladdens my heart.


Really liked this Nintendo Direct!

My family is super hyped for the next Mario Party, i want to play the Zelda, Mario & Luigi, a bunch of RPGs.
I liked the metroid prime trilogy so i might give 4 a try too!

For a 7 year console that was incredible. I think Iwata’s vision of streamlining nintendo’s game production into a single platform was correct.

I think now might be the time i sell one of my switches and just keep the modified one.


I usually don’t come away from Directs with much excitement, since I haven’t really been a “Nintendo gamer” for years now, but this one had some neat stuff!

A Zelda-led Zelda has been on my wish-list for decades, and I’m pleasantly surprised that it also seems to be at least a bit more of a “traditional” Zelda affair, since I wasn’t a big fan of Breath of the Wild’s more open-world style

Nice to see the Dragon Quest III remake getting a release date, too. If it maintains the ability to play as either a man or a woman as the mobile ports did (as helpfully pointed out to me in my JRPG thread awhile back, I may take this one as my entry into the franchise

And a Metroid Prime 4 update? I never properly got into those games, finding the controls on the original Gamecube too painful to really enjoy, but it’s a series I’ve always intended to get back around to…


I think that Metroid 4 must be pretty far along because that trailer drops frames in the same way that I expect the final game to drop frames! Heyoooooooo! (Looking forward to the game though.)


It was a feature in the SFC and GBC ports, so it seems unlikely they’d drop it. But I feel it must be pointed out that this was implemented in the least impactful way possible. The female character’s sprite has slightly less spiky hair and if you squint you can see she’s wearing a skirt. The character is androgynous enough that they can get away with it, but just barely. Compare the top two lines:


I tried combing the trailer of the HD-2D remake for a female version of the sprite, and I really can’t tell if she appeared at all. I’d assume with larger sprites they’d be able to make the difference more noticeable, but who knows what they’ll do.

One could argue that having an androgynous character sprite and just letting the player imagine the gender any way they’d like is one of the better ways to go about this, but in the manual for the SFC, all of the chibi depictions of the hero were clearly the male version, with only a single drawing of the female version, so it feels tacked on. Thus far it seems like all of the out-of-game official art for this new remake is also just the male version. At least with, say, DQIV the box art for the original famicom version clearly had both genders of the character, though it seems they reverted to only showing the male version on the box for later editions