One Day at a Time: Persona 3 Game Club SPECIAL



@“TaliesinMerlin”#p153268 What I listened to when I was 16

this combo of posts is funny cause hop along is exactly what i listened too when i was 16 (well not that song cause it's too new for when i was 16 but the earlier hop along albums) i love hop along so much.

In other news I discovered I need to buy a new psp battery before the 6th of april if i want to play it on the psp. i plan to play it on my commutes so psp it is.

Nice. Been meaning to get to P3P on my PSP, and this is how I shall do it.

Contract signed.

-Reggie Miller


@“ana”#p159044 exactly what i listened too when i was 16

anyone ever named their game character after a member of the Insert Credit forums?

@"MoH"#p159041 there's plenty of time

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is this my chance to finally play more than the first dungeon of a Persona game? signs point to yes.

I'll give this a go with P3P.

— Ren Yamazaki (if I don't just use one of the canon names)

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Getting excited for this! I’m very very very curious how playing like this is gonna land with me and also how P3R is…


If I’m playing P3P on the PSP what day should I begin playing?

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This Saturday at 11:59pm

this post is a doozy

psp battery and sd card adapter arrived just in time


The store I was going to get a PSP from ran out of stock just as I was prepared to hit the button… should be back in a couple weeks but I’ll start on Vita and transfer the save later

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I’m tempted to play as girl MC on PC and boy MC on my PSP. I think this is both a good and bad idea.


I made a start on P3P around a couple of years ago, but now I’m tempted to ditch that save and participate.

What do people think? Should I stick with the PSP, or should I play Reload on the PC?

I do have a soft spot for the PSP, and it feels period appropriate. But I do wonder if I’m missing out on a load of goodies from the remake.

If you’re gonna play the boy protag I’d say do the original or Reload. P3P’s changes only really outshine the other versions if you’re playing the girl protag.

And… if you want to play on PSP!


Ok. Having seen the price of Reload, I think I’m going to make a start on P3P given that I already have it. Even though I have steam deck to play Reload on, the PSP is far more portable too. I can always catch up later if I change my mind.

- Alberto Balsam


I started last night and felt like the PSP added to the vibes for sure.
But also, I’m just a heavy PSP-head and dang near enjoy any experience on the thing.

Will be an interesting play through. My only other Persona experience is P5 Royal. So already having to re-adjust to this menu/cursor system on P3P. Curious to see how the combat looks and feels. Fun “going backwards” with some games, even if the game is technically inferior.


I already played through P3R this year but I just wanted to say how excited I am for y’all <3


I’ve decided to join you fine folks at the last minute. Just got my 4/6 in with 10 minutes to spare. Figure if I’m ever gonna actually commit to playing one of these Personas this way now’s the time.

Think this is my 10th go around on P3 all versions considered? Something like that. I’ll be cheating a bit by using my Reload NG+ save that should keep even the longest days at less than 30 minutes or so. Looking forward to it.

Also, maybe there’s a weird super digital deluxe edition or something I’ve missed, but it’s crazy the P3P tracks aren’t in this game.