Questions about Discourse and its functions

I am a different person today than I was yesterday, do not trust me until I earn my rep again. glad for this reset. I often felt I was posting/ checking the forum to much and this came at a good time to get me to take a break + a step back.
that said I am kicking it off once again by double posting in this thread! and if I wanna reply to others I may stack the posts while going through the thread because I still haven’t figured out how to do multiple replies in one post on the new system (that’s one of the the reasons I’m reading this thread I am on post 50 right now)


Glad you’re back froggy!


Ok I’ve caught up with this thread now. Maybe you want me to start a whole new thread for this question, but here goes:
what’s the proper way to post stuff from instagram and twitter so that it embeds properly? I seem to be posting a lot of barebones links. I need to go back and edit them all so they embed.

PS: adding a limit to edits makes sense to me. use edits like they’re ink ribbons in resident evil 1 (saturn) … or like extra marios to kill


can i only have one draft at a time? on mobile, if i have a draft it seems i’m unable to start a new thread, instead i only have the option to edit my draft, and, while editing that draft, i can’t see how to make a new draft out of it.


I’ve been messing around with this and haven’t figured out a workaround. I hate to say it may be just the way things are in Discourse.
Maybe a glass-half-full way of looking at it is it forces you to commit to a draft, although of course that means I’ll just start composing them in a word processing document.


Or it will encourage you to complete your projects and post them for all of us to enjoy! Post your stuff everyone! Your posts and your thoughts are literally why we spend our time here!


What determines the colours of the categories on the side bar?
I understand the red and purple, but the orange and blue seem arbitrary?

I set them up, after a discussion as a team on how to best group them. We went with blue and orange so they stood out clearly compared to other categories we have and in case we add more in the future.

I posted a vgm track in the good evening thread but then thought better of it, deleted my post and went to the video game music thread to post the link there instead. I get this error.

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Anti-spam feature. Don’t worry about it. We know you’re not a spammer!

Discourse has aggressive defaults. We’ve been generally backing them off over time because our community doesn’t need them much.

What this means is if you make a post that gets a response like that, ignore it and move on with your day. The mod team doesn’t look for them.


Issue is, it doesn’t let you post it at all!


Got it. I’ll check the cooldowns over the weekend.


Ever since my trust level got bumped to “regular” the site has allowed me to edit others’ thread titles. I guess it’s a default setting in Discourse?? Just don’t know if I should have that kind of power lol


looks like i also have this power


I’m doing an audit of our trust levels over the weekend. I’m intending to turn off editing functionality for that trust level. The next trust level is “leader” and I intend it to be manually set.

Thanks everyone for being responsible and transparent!


Alright, its now happened enough times that I’m gonna post here. I’m on mobile safari, and it feels like four out of five times when I hit the reply arrow to reply to a specific post instead of to the thread broadly I end up posting with no reply target. I feel like a hopeless old person sending reply-all messages except its that my intended targets are lost. The only way I can fix this is to go in and edit in an @ for the person I intended to reply to. I don’t know! I might just be always pressing the wrong thing but I would have sworn that as I was typing my latest post in the moai thread I had gingerbeardman’s user icon in the top of the edit window cuz I had pressed the right place to reply. I forget how replying worked before but I felt in the old interface I could always fully confirm that my post was a reply to a specific other post without fail. Has anyone else had this issue?

We’ve discovered that if your reply to a specific post is itself the very next post in the thread, it will not appear to you or any other user as a reply, as is otherwise indicated by the reply icon in the top-right of a post. I.e., if you have a thread which looks like:

  • post X
  • reply Y to post X
  • reply Z to post X

then reply Y will bear no visual marker that it is a reply to post X, but reply Z will. The user who wrote post X will be notified that reply Y is directed at them, however (as you have been by my reply here).

If you want to make it explicitly clear you’re replying to the latest post in a thread without quoting any particular part of the text, you can begin by quoting some portion of it:

[quote="MDS-02, post:200, topic:3200"]
Alright, its now happened enough times that . . .

and then erasing the body text of the quote, which in the composition window looks like this:

[quote="MDS-02, post:200, topic:3200"]

and when published looks like this:

FURTHERMORE, referring back to the X-Y-Z example above, reply Z will show up in post X as image, even when reply Y should make the button read 2 Replies.


people are calling captain the oppenheimer of discourse troubleshooting


I see, this at the least will allow me to not feel like a crazy person! Thanks for the breakdown.

Looks like this might not be the case! I think this just bumped your count to 3, and MoH’s post did make the list.

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