Questions about Discourse and its functions

@Tom, sorry for submitting so many bug reports. I’m playtesting IC forums, hoping for a mention in the closing credits.

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Showing 219 now for me!

No need to apologise, it’s what we as a team do, look after the forum. Not just as staff, but everyone as a community!

This is a strange one and needs to be fixed and fixed it shall be.

And that plugin is a bit behind - for example you were in the group (you had the icon, but now it’s gone again) so that number is a bit up and down. I need to check against the actual counts for data to know what it should be and will do when I have a few minutes. Then work out what is causing the error and of course, fix it!


Just a quick update with what I’ve found so far:

  • The group of Patreon users isn’t pulling in all tiers of membership, so the count of 219 users is not all members. I have confirmed some users on the forum who are in tiers that this group is excluding are valid and should be in the group, if it had access to all tiers.
  • Every time I change the group settings, it excludes other tiers. So I cannot put them all into a single group to validate the total count of members via Discourse - which makes it tougher to get an actual total number as reference.

I’ll do some digging around to see what is causing this behaviour. The feature we have on here for Patreon is a plugin, which is up to date and hasn’t been updated in a few weeks, so exactly what’s causing it I cannot confirm right now.

As soon as I find out more, will post updates.

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Update to my update:

I have managed to create a group which has I believe almost every tier in it, so members who’s icon disappeared may now be appearing again. You will also see the total count in the group increase to 257 - I still don’t believe this is all members but I think this is a lot closer to the actual number.

Will try a few more things out and work out what caused it and how to stop it happening again.

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if you want to be a pattern supporter you gotta support one of these:

(but thanks for pointing this out and Tom for investigating!)


Patreon situation all okay now. Everyone who should have an icon should now have it, and if not please let me know.

Also as much as I love @Tradegood’s patterns, it’s now patreon:

I’m off to relax with a cuppa!


and if you don’t want the logo to show, you can change that in your account preferences


I’m throwing my support behind FLAME STITCH

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Clan Houndstooth seems pretty fierce.

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Yeah. Houndstooth crew checking in.

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I love how this has gone from “Patreon icon missing” to “what pattern do we want” in four posts.

I’ll try something tomorrow…

What happens to a thread after the person who posted it deletes their account? Does it just disappear and become unrecoverable?

Shouldn’t do that no.
I’ll have a look for the topic as I know the one you mean, but recently the search function isn’t playing fair and it’s tough to find some.

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Right I can’t find it - so either does someone have it bookmarked so I can check it based on the URL or @connrrr did you post in it at some point in time and I can go backwards from your ID to find it?

I think it was lost in the move between Flarum and Discourse (the shout thread). I don’t know if it’s because the poster nuked their account, and also maybe that wouldn’t have factored into it because @antillese modified it so that he would be the thread’s op in order to save it from going away. That happened while we were still on Flarum, too.

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I’ve looked for “shout” and all throught topics with “thread” in the title and nothing. If you can find a post you did then maybe but so far I think that may be lost in the ether.


Just looked up a post with distinctive words I remember making in that shouting thread and couldn’t find it. Thread seems to be gone.

I remember gaagaagiins was once posting about dishwashers and I said “MY MOM SAYS DISHWASHERS ARE FOR GRINGOS”

can’t seem to find that post now


There’s two topics with a post with the word “Gringos” in it and neither of them are related to shouting at all or by you @穴

Yup those shouts are gone.


:speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head: